chapter 75

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*Pyrrha woke up with a jump, she looked around, and saw an angry yang, being held back by Weiss and Blake, oobleck took a quick look inside, and understood the problem, he closed the tent to give ruby some privacy. Ruby groaned and turned around keeping her eyes closed*

Pyrrha:ruby, we both know your awake

Ruby:....that doesn't mean I want to deal with that

*Ruby grumbled, she felt Pyrrha rubbing her back for support. She sighed and got up, she put on a hoodie that Pyrrha brought for herself, it covered ruby up to her thighs, she wrapped her belt holster around her waist, placing her twin jackals inside there. She glanced at Pyrrha, who unlike her was fully clothed*

Pyrrha: ready?

Ruby:yeah, let's get this over with

*Ruby said, not looking at Pyrrha, but looking around for the voices, this would be the perfect time for Jake, or penny to come out, but again, it was quiet. She felt a hand on her shoulder*

Pyrrha:are you ok?

Ruby:it's... It's just that things are just...quiet.... I'll...i.. I'll be fine, let's go

*Ruby said, she's more willing to be opened to Pyrrha, but that's when there alone, right now, with people waiting outside? Yeah no. Ruby walked outside with her arms crossed, putting a scowl on her face looking at team JWBY, but more specifically at a still angry yang*

Ruby:there better be a good reason, why y'all woke me up?

Oobleck: apologies miss rose, if I had known, that you and your girlfriend were in such a position, i wouldn't have, let them near your tent

*Oobleck said, he took a sniff and snapped his neck at the pot of coffee close to the fire, he ignored his students and went straight for that*

Ruby:first of all, Pyrrha and me are not a couple, it was a chilly morning and I needed Pyrrha to warm me up, snake faunus remember? I'm literally cold blooded

Yang:then why were you naked?

*Yang asked glaring daggers at Pyrrha, ruby ignored the anger in her tone because, well let's be honest. Even injured, ruby is the most dangerous person there, since she has nothing to lose*

Ruby:because I sleep naked, I hate sleeping with clothes, and it's not like anyone here is stupid enough to try anything

*Ruby said with a small smirk, the hand on her gun, made her threat loud and clear, oobleck walked back after finishing the pot of coffee*

Oobleck:alright then, smashing! Let's all head out. Miss rose, you and miss nikos will be staying behind, so that miss rose can rest, please set up camp for the rest of us. And miss rose

*Ruby looked at oobleck and groaned, she snatched the pills from his hand and popped them in her mouth, ruby took out her flask and was about to drink from it when it was slapped out of her hand. Ruby looked down at the spilled apple juice, and then at yang, ruby grew an annoyed face*

Ruby:what the hell Xiao long, you have any fucking idea, how long it took me to squeeze out all that apple house?

Yang:ruby you can't....did you just say apple juice?

*Ruby crossed her arms and looked at her even more annoyed, yang was growing nervous as she picked up the flask, and tasted a bit of what was left, she grew an embarrassed blush, and gave out an awkward smile*

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