Starks Receive Word & Call The Banners

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[Winterfell - Great Hall]

Robb was sat in the great hall reading Sansa's letter. Maestar Luwin standing beside him, and Theon sitting next to him.

"Treason?" Robb whispered to himself, exasperated. "Sansa wrote this? No, I don't believe it. Father would nevr betray anyone, let alone the king; they were best friends."

"It is your sister's hand, but the Queen's words. You are summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new King." Maestar Luwin informed him.

"Joffrey puts my father in chains, now he wants his ass kissed?"

"This is a royal command, My Lord. If you should refuse to obey -"

"I won't refuse. His Grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing. But not alone." Robb interrupted, folding the paper and handing it to Maestar Luwin. "Call the banners."

"All of them, My Lord?" Luwin asked.

"They've all sworn to defend my father, have they not?"

"They have."

"Now we see what their words are worth."


Luwin gave him a small nod and walked away, Robb returning to his seat next to Theon.

"Are you afraid?"

Robb glanced at his hand, which was shaking. "I must be."


"Why is that good?"

"It means you're not stupid."

This put a determined look on Robb's face.

Outside, hundreds of ravens were released into the sky. Now all they could do was wait. Wait to see which of their banners fulfilled their oaths.

[The Vale]

Catelyn was rushing to Lysa's chambers. When she entered, she saw Lysa and Robin sitting on a small couch.

"You've had this since dawn?" She asked, holding up an unraveled scroll.

"He sent it to me, not you. I've only shown it to you as a courtesy."

"A courtesy?! My husband has been taken prisoner! My son intends to declare war!" Catelyn said increduously.

"A war? Your son against the Lannisters?"

Catelyn looked appalled at her sister's gall.

"You should go to him. Teach him patience."

"Ned rots in a dungeon and you speak of patience?! He is your brother by law! Does family mean nothing to you?!"

Lysa grabbed Robin protectively. "Family means everything to me. And I will not risk Robin's life to get caught up in another of your husband's wars."

"I'm hungry." Robin interrupted.

"Hush now, darling. You just ate."

"You will not support us then? Do I understand you correctly?" Catelyn asked.

"But I'm hungry!" Robin was beginning to grow impatient.

"Soon, love, soon." Lysa told him before returning to her sister. "You're alwys welcome here, sister. But if you're asking me to send men from the Vale to fight..."

"That is what I ask."

"Go on, sweet. Time for your bath. I'll feed you after." Lysa told her son.

Robin sighed, getting off the couch and leaving the room.

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