Allies & A Fragile Alliance

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As the day of the Dornish, Velaryons and Baratheon loyalists of the Stormlands' arrival drew near, Morgana prepared a grand welcome for them. She knew that this would be a delicate moment for both her allies and her people, and she wanted to make sure that everyone felt welcome and appreciated.

The Queen of the North had gone to great lengths to prepare for their arrival, ensuring that the Great Hall was adorned with banners and tapestries from each of the participating houses. The feast that followed was a celebration of not only their alliance, but also of the unique cultures and traditions that each group brought with them.

The castle had been prepared for their arrival, with banners flying high and the great hall adorned with finery. The queen herself had donned her most lavish gown, a midnight blue silk that seemed to shimmer in the candlelight. Her long black hair with silver streaks was pinned up, revealing her elegant neck and the intricate gold filigree of her crown.

Robb and Morgana had gathered in the courtyard, awaiting the arrival of their allies.

They were joined by Jon, Sansa and Robb's mother, Catelyn, as well as their fellow Northerners and Daenerys and her advisors.

The first to arrive were the Dornish, led by Prince Oberyn Martell and his three eldest bastard daughters; Obara, Nymeria and Tyene. Their presence was marked by the vibrant colors of their clothing, the women wearing flowing silks and satins in shades of crimson, orange, and yellow. The women were tall and statuesque, their features striking, and their bearing proud. The men were equally as striking, clad in tight-fitting doublets and pants, their cloaks billowing behind them. Their long, braided hair was held back by intricately woven bands, and their fingers glittered with rings.

The Velaryons were next, led by Aurane Waters, the bastard uncle of Monterys Velaryon. Their ships had sailed up the bay, their sails emblazoned with silver seahorse that adorned the House Velaryon coat of arms. The men and women who disembarked from their ships were taller than the average Northerner, their skin tanned from years spent beneath the sun. They wore flowing robes of deep blue and green, their cloaks trimmed with silver and gold.

The Baratheon loyalists were led by Lord Clifford Swann, a stocky man with short-cropped hair and a bushy beard, were comprised of the remaining bannermen still loyal to their liege lady, Queen Morgana. His soldiers were clad in plate mail and chainmail, their shields bearing the stag symbol of House Baratheon. The people of the Stormlands followed behind, their garb a mix of the traditional Dornish style and the more practical woolens and furs of the Stormlands.

The allies were greeted warmly by Robb and Morgana, who introduced them to one another and led them into the Great Hall for the feast. The hall was decorated with banners and tapestries from each of the participating houses, and long tables were laden with food and drink. Servants in livery moved among the guests, ensuring that everyone had what they needed.

As they took their seats, conversations sprang up between the various groups, each discussing their homelands, their customs, and their reasons for joining this alliance. The Dornish spoke of the beauty of their southern lands and the intrigue of their court, while the Velaryons boasted of their naval prowess and their long history as loyal subjects of the Iron Throne. The Baratheon loyalists, though fewer in number, held their heads high, proud of their ancestry and determined to see their cause prevail.

Robb and Morgana watched from their places at the head table, pleased to see their guests mingling so well. They had worked hard to bring these disparate factions together, and it was rewarding to see their efforts paying off. As the feast progressed, musicians took to the dais, playing lively tunes that got everyone's toes tapping. Servants circulated with flagons of wine and ale, keeping everyone's cups full.

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