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[Winterfell - Godswood]

The Godswood of Winterfell was a place of ancient mystery and power, its towering weirwoods reaching towards the heavens like great stone fingers, their red leaves whispering secrets only the Old Gods could hear. Queen Morgana Baratheon and King Robb Stark walked amongst the massive trunks, cradling their infant sons in their arms: Eddard and Robert, the future of the North. The air was crisp with the scent of snow, the soft crunch of leaves beneath their feet adding a soothing rhythm to their conversation.

"I still can't believe it," Robb said, shaking his head. "Jon leaving for Dragonstone. I know it's important, but I can't help but feel like we're losing a piece of ourselves."

Morgana nodded in agreement, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I understand how you feel, my love. But we must have faith that he knows what he's doing, and that he'll return to us soon." She looked down at their sons, her expression softening. "Besides, we have our own duties now, as protectors of these two precious lives."

They walked in silence for a while, lost in their thoughts. The Godswood seemed to exert a strange, calming influence over them, as if the ancient spirits residing within its hallowed grounds were offering them solace and strength. As they approached a particularly large weirwood, its carved face seeming to gaze down upon them with a benevolent eye, Morgana paused and leaned against its gnarled trunk.

"Robb," she said softly, meeting her husband's eyes. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you." He raised an eyebrow, curiosity writ large on his features. "It concerns that prophecy Hela told me about, the one that connects me to Jon."

He waited, letting her continue at her own pace. "It spoke of a woman born under the banner of a dragon. She said I was the woman born under the banner of a dragon, destined to aid the Prince Who Was Promised?" He nodded, his expression intent. "Well, it seems there's more to it than that." She paused, gathering her thoughts. "Hela told me that I am the one the prophecy speaks of, and that the dragon blood in my veins is what grants me the power to manipulate the elements and summon a dragon from within myself."

Her eyes shone with a fierce determination as she looked at him. "Robb, I can't explain it properly, but I know that this power was given to me for a reason. And I believe that reason is to help Jon defeat the Night King and save the Seven Kingdoms."

He listened intently, his expression a mix of wonder and disbelief. "So, you believe you are meant to aid the Prince Who Was Promised?" he asked, his voice hushed.

Morgana nodded solemnly. "Yes, that is what I think. And with the dragon blood in my veins, I believe I can make a difference. But there is more," she continued, her voice taking on a new note of excitement. "I've been training with Hela, and she's taught me about Dragon Soulbinding. It's a secret art that only the dragonriders of old knew, and an ability few possessed. I can summon a dragon from within myself, and return it when I'm done."

She glanced at Robb, her eyes alight with anticipation. "Robb, I can summon a dragon now. One that will be ours, to protect our family and the North. Together, we could rule over a kingdom greater than any the Targaryens ever dreamed of."

The air between them crackled with potential as Robb considered her words. He knew she was serious, and that the power she spoke of was immense. But he also knew the danger that came with it. "Morgana," he said slowly, "summoning a could change everything. Not just for us, but for the Seven Kingdoms. Are you sure you're ready for this responsibility?"

She nodded solemnly, her expression resolute. "I have been training with Hela for weeks now, preparing for this moment. I know the weight of what I am asking, and I am not doing this lightly. But I believe, with your strength and support, we can harness this power for the greater good. Together, we can protect our children and ensure their future."

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