Dornish-Northern Alliance?

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[Dorne - Sunspear]

Prince Doran, his daughter, Arianne, son, Trystane, his son's betrothed, Myrcella, and his nieces, Obara and Nymeria were gathered in his solar. His brother, Oberyn, sat on a chair beside him.

As usual, Areo Hotah was nearby, watching for any harm to his Prince or family.

"I received this, this morning." He held up a scroll. "Your mother and sister were captured on their return to Dorne."

"By who?" Obara asked, not bothering to correct him when he called Ellaria her mother. She respected the woman, but did not call her mother. At best, she was a mother figure.

"Euron Greyjoy."

"The Greyjoys are working with Cersei? I thought they were working with Daenerys," Arianne said.

She had met Yara Greyjoy while she treated with Daenerys.

The young woman was fierce, and fuelled by the hatred of her uncle, for murdering her father.

"Yara has also been captured." He told them.

"They have my daughter and my lover," Oberyn said. "What are you going to do about it, brother?"

"We must plan our next move carefully," Prince Doran said. "We cannot rush into anything. We must consider all the options and their possible consequences."

"And one of those options should be putting an end to the Lannister and Greyjoy threat once and for all," Oberyn added, his voice cold. "We should support Daenerys and her dragons. Together, we could be unstoppable."

Doran nodded in agreement. "Indeed, we should consider our options carefully. And one of those options is indeed aligning ourselves with Daenerys Targaryen. However, there is another option that we must not overlook: Morgana Baratheon. Myrcella's older sister, who is believed to be King Robert's only trueborn child from his marriage to Cersei. Morgana rules as Queen of the North, with her husband, Robb Stark, and has two infant sons; two heirs. She too has a claim to the Iron Throne. It would be prudent for us to reach out to her, offering a pact of mutual protection and support against the common threat of Cersei Lannister and Euron Greyjoy."

"I trusted Daenerys." Arianne spoke. "What happened to Quentyn was not her fault. She presented herself as a just and worthy ruler. I really thought I was wrong in rushing to crown Morgana. But, perhaps, I was wrong in allowing myself to be swayed by pretty words and actions."

"You cannot blame yourself, daughter. Clearly Ellaria saw something in her as you did. Otherwise she would not have used the permission I gave her to authorize an alliance."

"She cannot have children," Arianne muttered.


"Daenerys. Her husband was injured fighting one of his men and she accepted the help of a witch from a village their horde had just captured. She had been raped three times before Daenerys commanded her husband's men to stop. This witch only made his condition worse."

"What did she expect?" Obara scoffed. "Her husband's khalasar just invaded the woman's home, and she would just fix him?"

"The witch performed a ritual that cost Daenerys her son and left her husband in a vegetative state. She was told she could not have any more children."

"Then how does she mean to carry on the Targaryen line when she claims the Throne?" Nymeria asked. "Morgana has two sons. One who can sit the Iron Throne, and another to inherit his father's lands."

"At least Morgana hasn't hurt our family," Nymeria added. "Daenerys got our sister and Ellaria captured, and quite possibly killed."

"Father killed the Mountain, but that bitch Cersei Lannister had her maestar resurrect him. They insulted our house once again by sending us a fake." Obara backed up her sister.

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