Empty List

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[King's Landing]

Brienne had been searching for Arya Stark for what felt like hours, her armour battered and her breathing heavy as she made her way through the ruined streets of Winterfell. She had heard from Sansa that Theon Greyjoy had imprisoned Arya in one of the abandoned, fortified houses, but so far she had found nothing but empty buildings and false leads.

As she turned a corner, she saw a figure emerging from the shadows - it was Arya, her face streaked with dirt and her eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"Where have you been?" Brienne asked, rushing forward to embrace her friend. "I've been looking all over for you."

Arya shook her head, her expression grim. "I've been trapped in this house," she said, gesturing to the building behind her. "Theon put me here and left me to rot."

"Are you okay?" she asked, examining Arya for signs of injury, other than the burn she knew about.

Arya nodded. "I'm fine," she said. "But I need to know what's going on outside. What happened during the battle? Is Sansa okay?"

Brienne took a deep breath. "Your sister is fine," she began. "Arya, I need to talk to you about your list."

Arya looked up at Brienne, her eyes narrowing. "What about it?"

"You know that I have pledged my sword to Catelyn Stark, and that I will do everything in my power to fulfill her wishes," Brienne said. "But I must tell you, Arya, that I am beginning to worry about the path you are on. Your list of those who have wronged your family... it seems to be consuming you. And I fear that it may lead to more harm than good."

Arya scoffed. "Harm? They deserve far worse than what I can give them! They have murdered my family, betrayed and murdered my father, and left me alone and adrift in this cruel world." Her voice rose, her anger hot and fierce. "They will pay for their crimes, Brienne. Every last one of them."

Arya scowled, her hand tightening on the hilt of her dagger. "I won't stop until all those who have hurt me and my family are dead."

"Including Bronn?" Brienne asked gently. "He can't be added to your list, Arya. I killed him."

Arya's expression faltered for a moment, then hardened again. "He deserved to die," she spat. "He tried to kill me."

"I understand why you feel that way," Brienne said, "but taking his life would only fuel your thirst for vengeance. Is that what you truly want? To be consumed by anger and hatred?"

Arya laughed bitterly. "What other choice do I have? My family is gone. Nearly everyone who ever mattered to me is dead."

"Not everyone," Brienne corrected her. "Sansa, Bran and Jon live. The Night King was defeated, but not before he destroyed much of the city. Many people were killed, including Lord Varys and Melisandre. Jon returned and led us all to victory."

"Jon's alive?!"

How? She had seen the sword in his heart.

"Apparently, Melisandre and her friend, Joryllo, sacrificed themselves to bring him back." She told the young girl. "Littlefinger will stand trial for his crimes. He will face justice for what he did to your family."

"And what about Cersei?" she whispered. "She ordered the death of my family. Shouldn't she pay for her crimes too?"

Brienne hesitated before answering. "Cersei is dead, Arya. She died at the Red Keep, along with many others."

Arya's eyes widened in shock. "How did you...?" She trailed off, realizing that Brienne had been there, at the Red Keep, during the final battle.

"I was there," Brienne confirmed. "I fought alongside Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen to defeat the Night King and save Westeros. And when it was all over, we made sure that those who had committed such heinous acts would face justice."

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