Sad Conversations

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Hand Of The King Chambers]

In the chambers of the Hand of the King, Princess Morgana Baratheon sat before her grandfather, Tywin Lannister, her heart heavy with grief and anger. It had been months since the infamous Red Wedding, and yet here she was, forced to face the man who had orchestrated the brutal slaughter of her husband, Robb Stark, and mother-in-law, Lady Catelyn.

But what made this meeting even more difficult for Morgana was the knowledge that she had sent Robb and Catelyn to safety after the Red Wedding. They had escaped and made their way to Volantis, where they had returned the body of Robb's fallen friend, Talisa Maegyr, to her homeland for burial. And yet, here she was, facing the man who had ordered the slaughter of so many innocent people, including her own family.

"So, Grandfather," Morgana said, her voice trembling with rage, "I see you have finally deigned to grace me with your presence. I must say, I am surprised. I didn't think you cared enough about my well-being to bother."

Tywin looked at his granddaughter with a mixture of disgust and contempt. He showed no remorse for his actions, instead fixating on the fact that Morgana was now carrying Robb's child. "Morgana, you foolish girl," he sneered. "Do not try my patience with your petty insolence. You are carrying the heir to Winterfell, and that is all that matters. Your feelings, your desires, mean nothing." He leaned forward, his eyes glinting with greed as he reached out a hand to touch Morgana's belly. "This child will grant us dominion over the North, just as I intended."

Morgana recoiled from his touch, her anger boiling over. She felt a cold fury rising within her at his words, but she knew she could not let him see it. She needed to keep her wits about her if she was going to get through this meeting.

"You have given yourself to a Stark, a traitor from the North. What could you possibly see in him?"

Morgana clenched her fists, trying to keep her temper in check. "I saw something in Robb Stark that I do not see in you, grandfather," she spat. "He had honour, courage, and compassion. He was a true leader, unlike any of you."

Tywin snorted. "Honour? Courage? Those are words, my dear. The only thing your husband had was ambition, and look how far it got him."

Morgana's eyes flashed with anger. "More than you will evrr know," she hissed. "Robb died fighting for what he believed in, while you cowered behind the walls of King's Landing."

Tywin leaned forward, his face twisted into a cruel smile. "Ah, but that is where you are wrong, my dear. We may not have fought on the battlefield, but we have played the game of thrones all the same. And now, we hold the cards."

Morgana knew that Tywin showed no remorse for his actions, but she had hoped that perhaps he would display some semblance of empathy. Instead, he seemed more concerned with the fact that she was pregnant with Robb's child.

Morgana bristled at his words, her eyes flashing with defiance. "How can you speak of this as if it were a prize to be won?" she spat back. "My husband and mother-in-law were murdered, and now I am left alone and pregnant with his child. Is that something to be proud of?"

Tywin sneered at her. "Do not pretend to be so naive, girl. You know as well as I do that the fate of your family was sealed the moment you married a Stark. They were alwys fools, those Northerners, and your husband was no exception. He should have nevr trusted the Boltons."

Morgana felt a wave of pain wash over her at the mention of her husband. She missed him dearly, and the wound of his departure still felt fresh. But she pushed aside her emotions, determined to keep her composure in front of her grandfather.

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