Voices & A Potential Ally

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[King's Landing]

Arya Stark had been tracking Cersei Lannister for weeks, her assassin's skills honed and ready to strike.

Despite her best efforts, Arya couldn't get close enough to Cersei to deliver the fatal blow. The queen was always surrounded by her guards and advisors, and Arya knew that one misstep would mean her own death.

In a fit of frustration, Arya decided to take a different approach. She began killing Lannister soldiers and placing their heads on the steps of the Red Keep, each one neatly wrapped in a note with a message for Cersei. The first head was accompanied by a note that read, "This is just the beginning."

The second head was followed by a note that said, "You're next, my queen."

Cersei was not one to show emotion, but Arya could see the fear growing in her eyes with each new head that appeared.

As the days passed, Cersei's paranoia grew. She began to suspect everyone around her, even her own family. She ordered more and more guards to be posted outside her chambers. The Queen's madness reached new heights as she became convinced that someone was out to kill her, and she ordered the execution of anyone who even looked at her the wrong way.

She watched from the shadows as the queen's paranoia grew, her power waning with each passing day, revelling in the power she held over the pretender Queen. She knew that it was only a matter of time before Cersei was brought down, either by her own hand or by the forces of justice. And when that day came, Arya would be there to see it, ready to claim her own revenge against the woman who had destroyed her family and her home.

For now, she continued her campaign, killing soldiers and posting their heads on the steps of the keep, each death a small victory in the greater war against the Lannisters. She knew that each head was a message to Cersei, a reminder of the price she would have to pay for her sins. And with each passing day, that price grew higher and higher.

As the bodies piled up, Arya couldn't help but wonder if she was becoming the very thing she hated. She found herself relishing in the fear and chaos she was causing, losing sight of the innocent lives that had been taken along the way. It was a dangerous game she was playing, and there was no telling how far she would have to go before she could finally bring Cersei to justice.

The Lannister soldiers were not just pawns in her game of revenge, they were human beings with families and loved ones. And the more she killed, the more she felt the weight of her own guilt and the darkness that lurked within her.

Arya knew that she had to find a way to end this conflict, to restore peace to the realm and find some measure of redemption for herself. She couldn't continue down this path forever, becoming more like Cersei with each passing day.

Despite her reservations, Arya continued her campaign of terror, convinced that it was the only way to bring Cersei to justice. But as the bodies piled up, she couldn't help but wonder if she was becoming just like the Queen she sought to destroy.

Every time she struck, she could feel the darkness inside her growing stronger, and she knew that she was becoming just like the Queen she sought to destroy. The thought filled her with dread, but she couldn't stop now. She had to see it through to the end, no matter the cost.

One night, as she was sneaking through the shadows, she heard a voice whispering in her ear. "You're no better than her, Arya," it said. She spun around, but there was no one there. The voice was inside her head, and it was her own.

She tried to shake off the thought, but it lingered, haunting her. She couldn't deny the truth any longer. She was becoming just like Cersei, using fear and violence to get what she wanted. The realization filled her with horror, and she knew she had to stop before it was too late.

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