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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Cersei's Chambers]

Cersei Lannister sat in her chambers, staring into the flames of the fireplace. She had just received word from Qyburn, her loyal advisor, that Jon Snow, the Warden of the North, had made a shocking revelation. According to Qyburn, Jon Snow had confessed to being Jaeharys Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

Cersei's mind raced as she tried to process this information. She had alwys believed that the Targaryens were nothing but a bunch of mad, power-hungry monarchs, but if Jon Snow was truly the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, then that meant he had a legitimate claim to the Iron Throne.

But Cersei was not one to give up power easily. She had spent her entire lifr fighting for the throne, and she would not let some pretender to the throne take it away from her. She knew that she had to act quickly to protect her own claim to the throne.

She called for Qyburn to come to her chambers, and when he arrived, she demanded to know more about this revelation. Qyburn told her everything he knew, including the fact that Jon Snow had been born in secret, and that his true parentage had been kept hidden from the world.

Cersei's grip on the armrests of her chair tightened as she listened to Qyburn's words. She knew that she had to do something to protect her own claim to the throne, and she was determined to stop Jon Snow from spreading his true identity to the world.

"What do you suggest we do, Qyburn?" she asked, her voice cold and calculating.

"My lady," Qyburn replied, "I suggest we take action to neutralize the threat posed by Jon Snow. We cannot allow his true identity to spread across the world and challenge your claim to the throne."

Cersei nodded, her mind racing with the possibilities. She knew that she had to be careful, but she was determined to do whatever it took to protect her claim to the throne. She would not let some pretender to the throne take away everything she had worked for.

"I will consider your suggestions, Qyburn," she said. "But I will not hesitate to take action if necessary. The throne is mine, and I will do whatever it takes to keep it."

Qyburn bowed his head in respect, knowing that Cersei was a woman to be reckoned with. He knew that she would stop at nothing to protect her claim to the throne, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to help her achieve her goals.

As he left her chambers, Qyburn began to mull over the various options they had. He knew that they could attempt to assassinate Jon Snow, but with his growing popularity in the North, that might prove difficult. Another option was to spread rumors about his true parentage, casting doubt on his claim to the throne. But Qyburn wasn't sure how effective that would be, as there were those who still remembered the story Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark during Robert's Rebellion.

He decided to gather more information on Jon Snow and his supporters before presenting Cersei with a more detailed plan. He knew that time was of the essence, but he also wanted to ensure that they did not make any rash decisions that could have disastrous consequences for the Lannisters.

As Qyburn began his investigation, he discovered that Jon Snow had been gathering allies from all corners of the Seven Kingdoms. He had the support of the North, of course, but he also had the respect of the Night's Watch, the Wildlings, and even some of the Lords of Westeros who were tired of the endless infighting. Jon Snow was not just a threat to Cersei's claim to the throne; he was a threat to the entire stability of the realm.

Meanwhile, Arya silently made her way through the dimly lit corridors of the Red Keep, her steps as light as a whisper. Her heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and vengeance. Tonight was the night she would confront Cersei Lannister. As she approached the door to Cersei's chambers, Arya's gloved hand tightened around the vial of poison concealed within her cloak.

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