Wedding Of A Doe And Wolf

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[Riverlands - Robb Stark's War Camp]

As the sun began to set over the rolling hills of the Riverlands, Robb Stark stood before the ancient weirwood tree, his heart pounding in anticipation. He had called for this hasty ceremony, a combination of the Old Gods and the New, to take place, knowing that it was only a matter of time before word reached his enemies of him fulfilling his betrothal to Princess Morgana Baratheon. The thought of his beloved Morgana falling back into the hands of the Lannisters filled him with dread, and so he had decided to take matters into his own hands.

Before him stood Morgana, her raven hair, with streaks of silver, cascading down her back like a river of the night sky, her eyes shining with determination. She was a true Baratheon, through and through, and Robb could see the strength and courage in her every feature. Beside her stood her handmaiden, Sirena, a stern but loyal woman who had been by Morgana's side since she was a child. Catelyn and Talisa, Robb's mother and wife respectively, flanked them on either side, their faces grave with concern.

But there was one missing piece from this picture of familial bliss - Morgana had no family present to give her away. Her own kin had long since abandoned her, choosing allegiance to the Iron Throne over her happiness. And so, it fell to Sirena, her trusted handmaiden and closest confidante, to stand by her side on this most sacred of days.

As Morgana made her way down the aisle, her handmaiden, Sirena, stood by her side, giving her away in place of her own family. The bond between them was strong, for Sirena had been Morgana's only source of comfort since her father, King Robert, had passed away.

Unbeknownst to Morgana, Sirena had packed her maiden cloak, should Robb accept her as his wife. Her hair was styled elegantly, pulled up into a ponytail, while two loose strands framed her face, and her dress a vision of white and silver.

Robb took a deep breath and began to speak, his voice steady and strong. "My dearest Morgana, I know that our union may come as a surprise to some, but I swear to you now, before these witnesses and before the old gods and the new, that I will love and protect you until my dying day."

Morgana smiled, her lips trembling as she spoke her vows. "And I, my lord husband, promise to stand by your side and support you in all things, even when the road ahead is fraught with danger and uncertainty."

A Septon, who specialized in weddings for the Old Gods and the New, stood before King Robb and Princess Morgana Baratheon.

"Who comes before the Old Gods this night?" The Septon asked.

"Princess Morgana of House Baratheon, comes here to be wed. A woman has grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?"

"King Robb of House Stark. Who gives her?"

"Lady Sirena, the childhoood handmaiden of the Princess." She turned to Morgana. "Princess Morgana. Do you take this man?"

"I take this man."

Sirena offered her lady's hand to Robb, and stepped back to join the crowd.

Robb and Morgana simultaneously knelt down, bowing their heads; a symbol of them submitting themselves before the Gods.

A few moments of silent prayer passed before they rose to their feet.

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." The Septon recited.

She removed her maiden cloak, handing it to Sirena, before it was replaced by a cloak bearing the direwolf of House Stark.

One upside of Lady Catelyn's imprisonment for freeing the Kingskayer, was she had time to craft a cloak for her son's wedding.

Speaking of Catelyn Stark, Robb's mother, watched with pride as her son promised to love and protect Morgana, her lips trembling with happiness as she witnessed the union.

As the last words were spoken, a fierce wind howled through the forest, causing the Weirwood branches to creak and sway. A shower of petals rained down upon them, blessing the couple with the ancient magic of the Old Gods. The northern wind carried the whispers of their love, and the trees seemed to nod in approval as if blessing their union.

Robb felt a surge of power run through him as he kissed his bride. The sound of cheering and laughter echoed through the clearing, and for a moment, all thoughts of war and strife were forgotten. They were married, united in their love and their desire for a better future for the North.

With tears streaming down her face, Catelyn embraced her son and his new bride, her heart full of pride and happiness. Sirena smiled warmly, her gaze filled with admiration for the young couple.

After the ceremony, a small feast was held in honor of the newlyweds. The tables were laden with roasted meats and fresh bread, and the drink flowed freely.

As the night wore on, music and dance filled the air, bringing joy and merriment to all those present. It was a rare and precious moment of happiness, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was alwys hope for a brighter future. And as the stars twinkled overhead, it seemed as though the very heavens themselves were smiling upon this union.

For one night, at least, the shadows of war were pushed aside and the people could forget their troubles and celebrate the union of these two great houses.

After the feast, the couple retired to their tent, where they consummated their union. As they lay together, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that their love would stand strong against any obstacle that came their way

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