Journey To Winterfell

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Daenerys and her men were travelling down the Whiteroad. They had sailed to White Harbour, in order to avoid passing through King's Landing, and being perceived as a threat. They had decided to travel the remaining distance on the Whiteroad, as most of them were unfamiliar with the Northern terrain, but it appeared straightforward. It seemed safest, rather than attempting to use shortcuts through the untamed forest.

Her dragons flew overhead as they marched and trotted down the road.

Unfortunately, for them, they were unaware they were being watched.

In the woods, men were huddled, watching as the soldiers passed by.

They had been divided into three groups; one would attack supply lines, stealing food and weapons. Another was to target soldiers, under the cover of the weather, using hit and run tactics to sow confusion among their target's ranks.

The third and final group would attempt to disrupt any form of communication or coordination between Daenerys and her commanders, spreading misinformation and confusion among their ranks.

If it was avoidable, they were to keep as many men as they could alive. Killing them would only add to the army of the undead, unless their bodies were burned.

These particular men had been selected due their penchant for archery. It would allow them to remain mostly concealed and still attack.

There were men hidden in the wilderness all along the kingsroad; archers, cavalry, infantrymen. All strategically placed to allow for maximum effect.

Also to their advantage, Daenerys' men were spread out.

At the head of the envoy were a host of Dothraki riders.

Daenerys and her advisors were in the middle guarded by Unsullied, and bringing up the rear were more Unsullied and some more Dothraki, guarding the majority of the envoy's provisions.

Their resources were spread out enough that a single attack would not cost them everything, but with enough, it was sure to cause a problem.

Not to mention the weather.

None of them could have predicted the storm that came, not even Jorah.

The North, much like the Stormlands, was known for its unruly weather patterns.

None but Jorah had experienced weather even remotely like this.

This weather worked out perfectly in the Northerner's favour.

Everyone was on edge as the visibility worsened the further they trekked down the road.

The men hiding in the woods used this to their advantage.

When they noticed the first of the party's resources, which were being escorted by some of the Dothraki, they made their move.

Under the cover of the snow, they charged, breaking through their lines, and toppling their resources, which startled their horses, causing them to trample said resources, rendering them useless.

Then, they slipped back into the forest, undetected.

Their attack had been a success, but not without cost. Two of their men were injured in the fighting, and they had lost a valuable bow. However, they had achieved their objective; they had disrupted the supply lines and caused confusion among the enemy ranks.

As the storm continued to rage, the visibility remained poor. The men in the woods waited, watching and listening for any signs of pursuit. They knew that Daenerys' forces would be stretched thin trying to maintain control in these conditions.

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