Letters In Dorne

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[Dorne - Sunspear] 

The morning sun cast long shadows across the pale sandstone of the palace in Dorne as Prince Doran sat atop his favorite viewing platform, gazing out over the sea. The salt-tinged breeze tousled his snowy hair and carried with it the distant calls of gulls wheeling through the cerulean sky. He was deep in thought, contemplating the letter that had arrived only days earlier, detailing the discovery of Jon Snow's true identity as Jaeharys III, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

Doran had been careful to keep the news from his court, wanting to weigh the implications of this revelation on their alliance with the North. He knew that some, like his brother Oberyn and his paramour Ellaria, might see this as a sign that their support for the Starks had been misguided. But he also knew that there were those among them, like his own daughter Arianne and his son Trystane, who believed in the importance of the alliance and saw no reason to abandon their commitments.

Many in Dorne still harboured resentment towards Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, for it was because of them, Robert's Rebellion had begun. A rebellion which ended with the murder of Doran and Oberyn's sister, Elia, and her children, Rhaenys and Aegon.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Doran called for a meeting of his most trusted advisors and family members. Oberyn, still handsome despite his age, his paramour Ellaria, his daughters Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene, Doran's daughter, Arianne, his son, Trystane, Myrcella, and the lords and ladies of Dorne all gathered in the throne room.

The tension was palpable as Doran announced the contents of the letter, revealing Jon Snow's true identity to the group. Oberyn's eyes flashed with anger, while Ellaria's expression turned to one of bitter resentment. The other nobles looked equally shocked and uncertain.

"This changes everything," Oberyn growled, rising to his feet. "We cannot in good conscience continue to support the Starks, knowing that their champion is the son of the man who started the war that killed our sister, niece and nephew."

Doran held up a hand, silencing his brother. "We are not children, brother. We must weigh our options carefully. If we withdraw our support now, it will be seen as a sign of weakness. The Lannisters will be emboldened, and the North will fall. Then where will we be?"

"How can we trust the son of those who brought such destruction upon our land?" Lord Yronwood asked, his voice filled with anger and mistrust.

"We cannot," agreed another noble, her voice trembling with emotion. "We must think of our own people, our own safety. Allying with the North was a mistake from the start."

Doran leaned back in his throne, considering their words. He knew that some of them had valid concerns, but he also believed that the alliance with the North was their best chance for survival. He had seen the potential in Robb Stark and Morgana Baratheon, and he believed that together they could forge a new future for both their kingdoms.

"I understand your concerns," he said at last, his voice calm and measured. "But I ask you to consider the alternative. If we abandon the North now, we risk losing everything. The Lannisters and their Iron Born allies will not forgive us for our support, and they will not hesitate to bring Dorne to its knees. We cannot let that happen."

Doran paused, allowing his words to sink in. "Moreover, Jon Snow, or Jaeharys, as he should properly be called, has proven himself to be a capable leader and a worthy ally. He has fought bravely against the dead and shown himself to be honorable and just. If we turn our backs on him now, we will be doing so not out of wisdom or strategy, but out of spite and petty vengeance."

The silence that followed was heavy with tension. Oberyn and Ellaria exchanged glances, their expressions dark and troubled.

The debate raged on, with some Dornish lords advocating for Jon Snow's cause, while others remained steadfast in their refusal to help the Stark bastard.

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