Missing Again

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[King's Landing - Red Keep]

In the bustling city of King's Landing, a place fraught with political turmoil and treachery, as the first rays of dawn streamed through the narrow windows of the Red Keep, Cersei Lannister, the once-powerful queen, woke up to the distressing news that her daughter, Morgana, had vanished without a trace. The details of Morgana's inexplicable disappearance remain shrouded in mystery. No one can say when she slipped away, how she managed to escape the watchful eyes of the capital, or where she might have ventured.

But this was not the first time Morgana has eluded Cersei's grasp.

Cersei's mind raced back to the last time Morgana had disappeared. It was not that long ago, and her disappearance had been a source of great consternation for Cersei. It had been months before she had resurfaced, married to Robb Stark, the valiant King in the North, and a man branded a traitor to the crown. The news had been a bitter pill to swallow, for it meant her daughter had aligned herself with the very people they sought to destroy. Their union, born out of a betrothal set forth by both of their fathers prior to their deaths, resulted in the birth of two innocent sons whom had come to bloom from their entwined branches, their existence a testament to the love that had once flourished in those tumultuous times.

However, Robb was brutally murdered at the infamous Red Wedding, masterminded by Morgana's now-deceased grandfather, Tywin Lannister. In that massacre, Robb's mother, Catelyn, and their entire army were also slain. As a result, Winterfell, the Stark's ancestral home, fell under the control of the treacherous Boltons, who held it until Morgana's eldest son came of age, meaning it was highly unlikely she would have gone there. But where else could she have gone?

A fire raged within Cersei's chest, urging her to take action. She pleaded with her remaining son, King Tommen, to assemble an emergency council meeting to gather any sliver of information that could unravel the enigma of Morgana's disappearance.

Cersei paced the Red Keep's throne room, her emerald gown swishing with each agitated step. Her mind raced with worry as she waited for King Tommen to summon the small council, and the realms most influential lords for an emergency meeting.

The doors creaked open, and Tommen entered, his young face creased with concern. "Mother, the council is assembled. What do you hope to achieve with this meeting?"

Cersei fixed her son with a steely gaze. "I need to find my daughter, Tommen. I won't rest until I know where she's gone."

The councilors stood before her, their murmurs filling the room with a sense of urgency.

Cersei stood at the head of the room, her voice sharp with command. "Morgana's disappearance is a matter of utmost importance. I demand that every resource be used to locate her. My daughter's safety is non-negotiable."

A chorus of agreements filled the room, but Cersei's mind was elsewhere. She had lost one child to the merciless grip of fate, and she would not allow another to slip through her fingers. The weight of uncertainty bore heavily upon her, and as the council deliberated, Cersei's heart screamed with the agony of a mother desperate to find her lost daughter.

Desperation etched on her face, she implored her allies, her enemies, and even those who teetered between the two, to share any whispers of knowledge they possessed. But to her dismay, the faces around the table remained devoid of answers, leaving her with nothing but an evr-growing frustration gnawing at the core of her being.

Already shackled by the impending trial for regicide and treason, the unknown location of her beloved daughter and cherished grandsons only added to the weight upon her weary shoulders.

It was a cruel twist of fate that just as her three living children – Morgana, Tommen, and Myrcella – had finally come together in the capital, fate has seen fit to wrench Morgana from her arms once again. The fear and uncertainty that now plague Cersei served as constant reminders of the tenuous nature of her world and the lengths she would go to protect her family, even at her own peril.

Dissatisfied by the outcome of the emergency meeting, Cersei returned to her chambers, followed by her two remaining children.

In her dimly lit chambers, Cersei Lannister paced back and forth. "Where is she? Where is Morgana?" Her voice rose, tight with anxiety.

Tommen, her youngest son and the king, sat at her ornate desk, his brow furrowed in concern. "Mother, we've questioned everyone, but no one has seen Morgana leave or heard any news about her."

Cersei's green eyes flickered with frustration. "She can't have disappeared into thin air, Tommen. Someone must know something."

Myrcella, her daughter, sat on the window seat, her expression troubled. "When was the last time you saw her, Mother? Maybe she mentioned something to you before she vanished."

Cersei's breath caught in her throat. "The day before she disappeared, she seemed worried about something. She mentioned feeling restless, like the walls of the Red Keep were closing in on her."

Tommen pushed himself up from the desk, determination flashing in his eyes. "We will find her, Mother. I will order the City Watch to search every corner of King's Landing if I have to."

Cersei nodded, her fists clenched. "She's out there somewhere, with my grandsons. We have to bring them home, safe and sound."

Myrcella moved to her mother's side and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We will, Mother. I promise."

Cersei let out a frustrated sigh and collapsed into a nearby chair, her fingers drumming anxiously on the armrest. "We must find her before it's too late."

Soon, Cersei found herself alone once more, pacing, her thoughts spiraling out of control. She knew that she should focus on her own trial and the future of her remaining children, but her mind kept returning to the mystery of Morgana's disappearance. She couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right, that there was more to this than met the eye. And until she found her daughter, Cersei would be unable to rest easy.

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