Imprisoned Dowager Queen

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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Morgana's Chambers]

In the towering spires of Red Keep, Princess Morgana Baratheon sat at her vanity, staring into the mirror as she braided her long raven hair. She had heard the whispers for weejs now - whispers of her supposed "magic" that would surely see her imprisoned or worse, at the hands of the High Sparrow and his zealous Faith Militant.

Her heart raced as she heard whispers of the High Sparrow's latest edict. The rumor that he would soon turn his gaze upon those with magical abilities had sent shivers down her spine. As a member of House Baratheon, and more importantly, a descendant of the Targaryens, Morgana knew all too well the dangers of wielding magic in this world.

For generations, the Targaryens had been known for their connection to dragons as well as their mastery over the ancient arts, but after the Doom of Valyria, the once-great empire was reduced to nothing more than a handful of scattered survivors.

She did possess magical powers, passed down to her through her Targaryen ancestors. She could control the elements, summoning flames and winds at will. And she was still learning, exploring the depths of her own power.

She feared being discovered by the High Sparrow and his zealous followers. They would not hesitate to lock her away or worse, believing her powers to be a sign of deviltry and witchcraft.

As if these fears were not enough, Morgana's thoughts were consumed by another worry - her newborn twin sons. Left in the care of her ladies in waiting, they were precious and vulnerable, dependent on her love and protection. If she were taken away, who would ensure their safety?

The High Sparrow's reach extended far and wide, and it seemed only a matter of time before he came knocking at the gates of Red Keep. Morgana knew she had find a way to keep her powers hidden, to protect herself and her children from those who sought to destroy them.

Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of the rumors. She had alwys felt different from others, ever since she was a child. There were moments when she could sense the wind changing direction before it happened, or feel the earth trembling beneath her feet. But it wasn't until recently that she had discovered the true extent of her abilities. With the help of a secret tutor, she had learned how to harness the power of the dragons that lay within her bloodline.

Morgana stopped pacing and took a deep breath, focusing on the sensation of the elements responding to her commands. She could summon fire and ice at will, bend the wind to her whim, and even communicate with animals through a form of telepathy. It was exhilarating, yet terrifying, knowing that she possessed such incredible power.

But as much as she loved exploring the limits of her abilities, Morgana couldn't ignore the danger lurking outside her door. The High Sparrow and his followers believed that magic was a sin, a corruption of the natural order. They saw those who wielded it as abominations, unworthy of life. If they discovered her secrets, there would be no mercy. No trial. No chance for redemption.

[King's Landing - Red Keep, Margaery's Cell]

Cersei entered Margaery's cell, carrying a tray of food.

"This is horrible. Unacceptable. Are they feeding you enough at least?" She set the tray beside Margaery. "I brought you this. Venison. It's quite good. I had it myself for supper only last night. We did everything we could from the moment they took your brother. Tommen even went to the sept himself to confront the high sparrow, but I fear The Faith has left reason behind."

"I know you did this."

"We are making every effort on your behalf. I swear to you by all the seven gods."

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