Battle Aftermath & Surprise Return

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A white raven flew over the Northern wilderness towards Winterfell.

[Winterfell - Dining Hall]

Jon was standing behind the high table, staring across the hall. Melisandre stood by his side.

"When we had feasts, our family would sit up here... and I'd sit down there." He pointed to the other end of the hall.

"Could have been worse, Jon Snow. You had a family. You had feasts."

Jon chuckled. "Aye, you're right. I was luckier than most."

Davos entered the hall and tossed the charred stag statuette at Melisandre who caught it.

"What is that?" Jon asked.

"Tell him. Tell him who it belonged to." Davos said, his anger rising.

"The Princess Shireen."

"Tell him what you did to her. Tell him!"

"We burned her at the stake."

"Why?" Davos asked.

"The army was trapped. The horses were dying. It was the only way."

"You burned a little girl alive!"

"I only do what my Lord commands!"

"If he commands you to burn children, your Lord is evil!"

"We are standing here because of him. Jon Snow is alive because the Lord willed it."

"I loved that girl like she was my own. She was good. She was kind. And you killed her."

"So did her father. So did her mother. Her own blood knew it was the only way." Melisandre told him.

"The only way for what? They all died anyway! You told everyone Stannis was the one. You had him believing it, all of them fooled. And you lied."

"I didn't lie. I was wrong."

"Aye, you were wrong. How many died because you were wrong?"

Davos and Melisandre stared at each other in silence.

"I ask your leave to execute this woman for murder. She admits to the crime." Davos requested.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Jon asked her.

"I've been ready to die for many years. If the Lord was done with me, so be it, but he's not. You've seen the Night King, Jon Snow. You know the great war is still to come. You know the army of the dead will be upon us soon. And you know I can help you win that war."

Jon approached her. "Ride south today. If you return to the North, I'll have you hanged as a murderer.

Melisandre put the stag statuette down on the high table and began to walk away.

Davos stepped in her way. "If you ever come back this way, I will execute you myself."

Melisandre moved past Davos and exited.

[Winterfell - Main Hall]

As the setting sun cast long, golden shadows across the flagstones of Winterfell's Great Hall, an expectant hush fell over the gathered Northern Houses. Their eyes were fixed on the dais, where Robb Stark, the once and future King in the North, now stood before them. His form was leaner, harder, but there was a new determination in his gaze that spoke of a man who had been forged in fire and emerged stronger for it. Beside him, his mother, Catelyn Tully-Stark, looked on with a mixture of pride and trepidation, her own journey back from the grave having been no less arduous.

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