Old Lion No More

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[King's Landing - Sept Of Baelor]

In the heart of King's Landing, the news of Tywin Lannister's demise sent shockwaves throughout the castle. His granddaughter, Princess Morgana Baratheon, had always known that her grandfather was a man of great ambition and cunning, but even she could not have predicted the extent of his scheming.

Cersei stepped out of a cart to a funeral procession outside of the Great Sept of Baelor, walking to the top of the stairs, followed by her daughter. Both women were clad in long, black gowns.

"Your grace, we are honored by your presence. Your as well, Princess. The mourners are waiting." The priest greeted.

"They will keep waiting. I want a moment alone with him."

"But your grace, many of these lords and ladies have travelled day and night to be here..."

Cersei began walking away.

"From all seven kingdoms..." He concluded.

"They will wait."

Inside, Tywin's body rested with hand-painted stones on top of his eyes. Cersei approached to Jaime who presided over the body.

"He nevr wanted you to be a King's Guard, but here you are protecting his body."

"What he built. The towers. He built it for us. He meant it for us. They're going to try to take it away, all of it."


"All of them out there are our enemies. They're waiting a night to make sure he's really dead and as soon as they see the stones on his eyes they'll set to work on tearing us apart."

"They had nothing to do with it. The man who murdered our father, he tore us apart, he's the enemy. I've been telling you for years, you've been defending him for years..."

"This is exactly what they want."

"...and now our father is dead. And that little monster is out there somewhere drawing breath. Did you set him free?"

Jaime looked down, before nodding.

"Tyrion may be a monster but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake. With stupidity. You're a man of action, aren't you? When it occurs to you to do something you do it, nevrmind the consequences. Take a look." She gestured towards their father. "Look at the consequences. Here they are. He loved you more than anyone in this world."

Cersei kissed Tywin on the head before exiting, leaving Jaime with his head hung.

Morgana entered, having been stood off to the side, waiting for her mother to exit.

As Morgana stood before the open casket, gazing upon the lifeless form of her grandfather, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Tywin had always believed that his own legacy should continue through his descendants, and he had made it clear that he wanted Morgana's children to serve his purposes. He had hoped to use them in his quest for even greater power and influence, and had began making arrangements to ensure that they would be raised under his guidance and control.

Now that he was gone, however, Morgana found herself torn as how to protect her children from the machinations of her grandfather's ghost.

Her eldest, provided they were a boy, would become Lord of Winterfell. Their second born, if they were also a son, was to inherit Casterly Rock, on the wishes of her grandfather, since her Uncle Jaime refused to leave the Kingsguard.

"He hoped I am carrying two sons, you know," she muttered to her Uncle, as they stood over the body of their father/grandfather. Children who would grant him more power and continue his legacy. He killed my husband and wanted to use our children to give the Lannister name more power." She sighed. "I can't believe he's gone."

Jaime Lannister, her uncle and Commander of the Kingsguard, nodded sympathetically. "I know, my dear. We all loved him, despite his flaws."

Morgana snorted, bitter anger rising up inside her. "Flaws? He had no flaws, not when it came to gaining power and wealth. He would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, even if it meant sacrificing those closest to him."

Jaime winced at her words, knowing they were true. Tywin had alwys put his own ambition above everything else, including his family. But he had also been a brilliant strategist and leader, and his passing left a gaping hole in the Seven Kingdoms.

Later, everyone had gathered in the Throne Room.

Cersei was drinking wine while Loras spoke in the background.

"It was such a deep, deep shock to us all. Your father was a force to be reckoned with. He truly was. I wouldn't presume to claim to have known him as such..."

Cersei was only half paying attention as she watched Tommen talking and smiling with Margaery.

"I know my wife, your daughter, was not particularly fond of him. But, just being in his presence was enough to make it so clear just how formidable a person you were dealing with. What a... what a force to be reckoned with."

Cersei sighed. "Thank you so much for your kind words."

She walked away and headed down a small set of stairs.

"Deepest condolences, your grace. This tragedy... I nevr trusted Varys. I often warned..." Pycelle began, but Cersei walked away again.

A barefooted man in a robe walked up to Cersei.

"Your grace." He greeted.

Cersei inspected him for a moment. "Cousin Lancel. I hardly recognized you."

He had shaved most of his hair.

"My deepest sympathies."

"I apologize for my son's appearance." Kevan Lannister approached.

"Uncle, it's quite alright."

Lancel walked away.

"They call themselves sparrows. Bloody fanatics. Religion has its place, of course, but at a certain point... They nevr would have come to the capital when Tywin was alive.

"I'm sure he'll grow out of it. Whatever it is. Excuse me."

"Of course."

Cersei walked away, grabbed a glass of wine, and headed to a room alone. After some time, Lancel approached her again.

Aelinor had seen him and decided to follow. There was something different about him and she didn't know if he had incurred any dangerous tendencies.

She stood nearby, behind a pillar, leaning against, it doing her best to put on a .

"Your wounds from the Blackwater seem to have healed." Her mother said.

"It wasn't my wounds that needed healing."

"What can I do for you?"

"You can forgive me."

"What could you possibly have done to warrant my forgiveness?"

"I led you into the darkness."

"I doubt you've ever led anyone anywhere."

"I tempted you into our unnatural relations. And, of course, there was the king. His boar hunt. His wine."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm a different person now. I found peace in the light of the Seven. You can too. They watch over all of us, ready to dole out mercy... or justice. Their world is at hand. I will pray for your father's soul."

Cersei laughed. "The day Tywin Lannister's soul needs your help..."

Cersei took a sip of wine and watched Lancel walk away.

Little did she know, his presence and change in demeanour was the beginning of something much more sinister.

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