Mockingbird In The Capital

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[King's Landing]

As the Knights of the Vale rode into King's Landing, their armor gleaming in the morning sun, Petyr Baelish, better known as Littlefinger, could feel the eyes of the city upon him. It was a mix of awe and suspicion, for these were not the Lannister's golden lions that adorned the knights' shields. No, they bore the silver falcon of House Arryn, and Littlefinger had been the one to bring them here.

The city itself was a sight to behold. Once a bustling center of trade and politics, it now resembled a rotting corpse. The streets were little more than muddy tracks between towering edifices of crumbling stone, their once-proud facades stained and streaked with the filth of ages.. The grand halls and buildings that had once housed the great lords and ladies now stood empty, their windows shattered and their walls crumbling. The stench of death and decay hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the wars that had ravaged the land for so long.

Littlefinger knew that in order to rebuild his empire, he would need to focus on more than just securing Cersei's aid or sacking the city. He would have to restore the city to its former glory, making it a place where trade and prosperity could once again flourish. One of his first priorities was to repair and reopen his brothels, many of which had been destroyed during the uprising of the Faith Militant. They had been his main source of income, and he would need that money to fund his secret plans.

As he surveyed the ruined city, he could see glimmers of hope amidst the despair. There were merchants trying to reopen their shops, blacksmiths working to repair weapons, and even farmers tilling the barren soil in hopes of growing something new. Littlefinger knew that he could use his influence and connections to help these people, to make their lives better and to restore King's Landing to its former glory. It was a task that would take time and patience, but he was determined to see it through.

His first order of business was to secure his brothels. He sent word to his most trusted servants and agents, tasking them with finding suitable locations for new establishments. They scoured the city, searching for buildings that were sturdy enough to withstand the elements and had enough space for the necessary amenities. Soon, they returned with several promising prospects.

Littlefinger inspected each site carefully, envisioning how they could be transformed into thriving dens of vice and debauchery. He knew that in order to attract customers, the brothels would need to be more than just places to engage in carnal pleasures. They would need to be sanctuaries where people could escape the harsh realities of war-torn King's Landing and indulge in the finer things in life. He decided to model each brothel after a different theme, offering patrons a variety of experiences.

One brothel would be designed in the style of a Moorish palace, with intricate tile work, ornate arches, and exotic scents. The women who worked there would be clad in harem garb, their skin coated in gold dust and perfume. The rooms would be adorned with opulent fabrics and luxurious bedding, transporting clients to a world of sensual delights.

Another brothel would be modeled after a Venetian gondola, complete with a canal running through the center of the building. The women here would dress as 18th-century courtesans, wearing extravagant gowns and masks. The chambers would be decorated with Murano glass chandeliers and gilt-framed paintings, creating an atmosphere of romance and intrigue.

A third brothel would be designed to resemble a Viking longship, with carved wooden beams, furs, and weapons adorning the walls. The women who worked here would dress as shieldmaidens, wearing chainmail bikinis and carrying axes. This establishment would cater to those seeking a more rough-and-tumble experience, offering clients the chance to engage in acts of dominance and submission.

Littlefinger's most ambitious project was a sprawling, decadent palace inspired by the legend of the Arabian Nights. This brothel would be a labyrinthine wonderland of opulent chambers, hidden alcoves, and secret passages. The women who worked here would dress as sultans and odalisques, their bodies draped in silk and adorned with gold and jewels. The rooms themselves would be decorated with intricate mosaics, fountains, and lanterns, creating a sense of otherworldly enchantment.

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