Part 24

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"Please welcome to the rink, the New York Leopards." Jackson skates into the rink banging on his chest like a gorilla.

Ugh he pisses me off so much.

Isaac's team skates into the rink just as Jackson finds my eyes and I pull the biggest smirk out of nowhere.

I'm wearing Issac's jersey mostly to surprise Issac but also to piss off Jackson.

"Someone's angry." Beth says next to me.

"Someone needs to learn his place." I mutter back.

Beth's only here for the eye candy, hockey guys can be attractive when they want to be. Don't tell Isaac I thought that or I might be divorced before I'm even married.

The game begins and everything goes smoothly, Issac manages to keep his distance from Jackson and the puck is being passed around like crazy.

Jackson manages to get the puck in his slimy hands, furiously skating towards the net when all of the sudden he's on the floor.


Landon has body slammed Jackson straight onto the floor with no hesitation. Issac is trying to pull Landon away and now Elijah is also skating over.

"Landon Quinn report to the sideline right now." Shit, now my brother hash been disqualified and possibly going to be banned from playing for months.

As the game continues, Jackson plays as if he was never hurt, I can see from his eyes he's mad and he wants revenge.

Landon sulks off side. So much for hating his baby sister. Between him and Issac I think I'll be safe from anyone for life now.

"That's another goal for the panthers!" Yes, our team scored for the 5th time tonight, Issac had put 2 out of 5 and Landon 1 before he got sent off for quite literally sending Jackson to the other end of the rink.

I stifle a laugh just thinking about it.

"Ana should have been here today, then we could triple date after for food." I joke.

"More like fuck off, you think I'm going near your brothers dick again. Fair enough I was wrong about him cheating on me but still he called me his ex girlfriends name." She has a point. It's been almost 2 years since Elizabeth and Landon had that fling.

I know Landon has changed massively now, since dad went to jail really but Beth doesn't forget easily, she will forgive but that woman has a remarkable sense of remembering everything.

Half time gets called and I run down some steps as Issac skates towards the nearest exit point of the rink.

"You're wearing my jersey." The first words he says to me.

Shit, should I not.

"I'm sorry I can take it off." My hands reach the bottom of the jersey to begin pulling, I've definitely offended him.

His hands reach and connect with mine, "the only person taking that jersey off you, is me, tonight. You're the only girl who could look so good in my jersey baby."

My eyes gather tears of joy but I hold them back. Because I don't want Issac to see me crying every time I'm fucking with him.

"I love y- I love watching you play." Fucking hell Liliana, well done.

"Oh really?" Issac one hundred percent knows what I nearly said. "I love looking at your ex boyfriend knowing you are coming home with me."

"Well please be careful because he definitely won't rest until he has his revenge for what happened earlier." My arms wrap around his body and he placed a kiss on my head.

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