Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
(Xavier's pov)

'And all my childhood memories

Are full of all the sweet things you did for me

And even though I act craaazy

I gotta thank the Lord that you made me

There are no words that can express how I feel

You never kept a secret, always stayed real-'

"shit!" i yelled waking up noticing my phone was ringing.

I patted my pockets but came up empty. I looked around where i was pulling up the cusions of the couch searching for the object. i turned to my left seeing Tre butt ass naked ontop of some chick.

          i pushed them off of the couch they groaned but otherwise made no other sounds.

         i lifted up the seat seeing my phone with not one but three missed calls from mom ughhh I'm deaddddd

I called her back only to get her voicemail. Shit! I grabbed my keys getting into my car driving over there. I'm not planning on staying I only want to tell her where I'm at talk to my dad then leave.

I rushed out my car opening the front door to my house. I walk in seeing my mom and dad talking both looking concerned.

"Hi." I say closing the door behind me

"Hey baby, you should have told me where you were going." My mom said hugging me

"I know I'm sorry mama." I apologized kissing her on the cheek sitting on the couch

"I'll go cook something." She announced rushing to the kitchen leaving my dad and I in the same room

"so son how is everything." He said hesitantly

"Dont talk to me." i said pulling out my phone texting a worried Kayden

"why are you acting like this." he sighed shaking his head

i just ignored him texting kayden trying to calm him down apparently Benji called him and wanted to except the date but he found out about the party and that he fucked some chick so benji thinks Kayden isnt serious about him.

               I think Benji is correct about this I told Kayden he shouldn't be fucking other chicks and practice self control but does he want to listen to me nooooooo he doesn't.

                I typed on my phone saying I have no sympathy for you because I told you what to do I pressed send only for my phone to be snatched outing my hands

"Excuse you."I told him glaring at him like who does he think he is

"Don't get beat up Seth." He told me in this condescending tone looking up at the ceiling

"What do you even mean don't get beat up? how are you not going to be in my life for like ever and try to put down authority? like nooooo that's not how this works. You need to build up to dad status because right now you are Cain so you need to chill and put my phone down." I ranted raising my voice a bit standing up from the couch.

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