Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

(Antonio's pov)

"So are we going to have this coversation?" Xavier asked brushing his teeth in the mirror as I finished up my shower. I stayed silent hearing him spit into the sink.

"Um no?"

"That was a Rhetorical question." He stated. Walking out of the bathroom closing the door behind him.

"Come on now." I huffed turning off the water I hate the door being closed when I take a shower. My body doesnt take well to temperature change and i hate the cold so instead of hot boxing in the bathroom I leave the door open plain and simple and he knows that. I wrapped a towel around my waist opening the door again. I started to brush my teeth in the mirror singing the birthday song six times in my head before spiting in the sink taking some water in my hand.


The bathroom door closed shut again. I jumped spilling the water. I took a deep breath calming down my heart. Then opened the door again.

Finishing my teeth I get floss going inbetween my teeth suck air in between the front ones. Moving to the next side moving the floss inbetween my teeth carefully.


My hand slids up and forward startled by the noise. Successfully cutting my gums in the process.

"Ah." I noise in complaint taking the floss from my teeth seeing blood flow from the cut onto my teeth.

"Great." I dryly comment putting some water in my mouth swishing it around. Spting it out.

I walk out of the bathroom going to the drawer with my clothes in it putting the towel the the hamper. Throwing on my breifs, skinny jeans and my Of Mice & Men hoodie. Leaving the room with out a word. I grab my phone and headphones from the living room and walk out of the house going to school.

Its about a 25 minute walk from his house to the school but i have my headphones so it didnt seem as long.

Taking out my book for first period from my locker. I slammed it shut spining around bumping into some one. I jumped back a bit seeing it was zander.

"Hey." I said smiling up at him.

"Are you and Xavier good?" He asked maving closer to me

"Yeah but he wants to talk about ex's now." I huffed

"Good. Thats good. Tell him about that asshole so he understands our relationship."

"True but i just i dont wanna tell him about all the guys ive been with."

"You didnt even have sex with that many guys stop being hard on yourself." He said I nodded giving him a hug

"Thanks Z." I sighed realeasing him taking a deep breath

"Enough about me. What about you and brother?" I questioned wiggling my eyebrows

"I have to talk to him. He's been avoiding me I dont know why though?"

"Just go to the house Zander I'll call him home at 6 and ill be gone by 6:20 for practice tonight."

"Okay but I dont want what happened with Xavier to happen again."

"It wont. Just come to the house." I told him giving his lean body another hug.

"Okay I will just text me to remind me." He mumbled. I nodded in response letting him go going to my first period class.

"Oh look who decide to join us. Take a seat Mr.Reyes." my math teacher chuckled I scoffed

"If you wanna be an ass I can leave. Im not in the mood for your attitude" I voiced sighing

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