Chapter 31

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Chapter 31
(Angel's pov) [Xavier's mom]

I slowly opened my eyes hearing an alarm go off. I yawned stretching out on my bed only for pain to shoot through my back. Fuck! Looking at the time. 6:30.

I got up getting in the bathroom taking a quick shower brushing my teeth. I walk down stairs looking to my left in the living room seeing kayden and Xavier sleeping.

Xavier's face was against the table with a string bean stuck to his forehead. Kayden was laying back against the couch with a string bean hanging out of his mouth. Both of them snoring loudly. I laughed slightly walking over to them.

"Baby go up to bed." I cooed softly to Xavier picking his head off the table he mumbled something getting up from the the couch putting his arm around my shoulders to support him.

I walked him up to bed kissing him on his forehead. I ran back down stairs going over to kayden taking the string bean from his mouth putting it in the garbage since it was stuck to his face with slob on it. I shook my head at him smiling.

"Baby lets put you in your bed." I whispered his snoring stopping for a second before starting again.

I grabbed his arm getting him off the couch i put his arm around my shoulders walking him up to his bed kissing his forehead. I walked back down stairs huffing. I cracked my neck going into the kitchen taking out pots, skillets and tin pans. I counted the tin pans only getting the number 16.

Im going to need more later but I have about 4 serving plates and 3 glass pans. Making...... Twenty- three available serving dishes i can put out. I laid out the tin pans across marble island. I grabbed the yams for the fridge potting them in a pot boiling them turning the fire on working my magic.


"Oh my god." I huffed falling back onto the couch i heard cain sigh also laying on the couch next to me shifting so his head was in my lap

"We did good partner." I said patting his head we tiredly laughed together before sighing completely exhausted. I looked over seeing tin pans filled with food.

Cain apparently went to the store getting stands for the pans, little blue fire things to keep the food warm and pies and cakes. See as there wasnt enough room for the food we went out bought three tables and alot of chairs.

Together we put up the tables placing pans with the stands and fire putting the chairs against the wall.

I reached in my pocket taking out my phone checking my notes seeing everything that i was supposed to cook and buy was done even with the set back we had im still upset we had to buy the cakes instead of cook them.

"Did we do everything?"

"Let me run the list by you."


"Collard greens, 2 pans of Mac and cheese,Potato salad, Cabbage, Yams, Corn beef, Ham, Turkey, cranberry sauce, Hamburgers and cheeseburgers, Fried chicken, Green beans, Spinach, Deviled eggs, Stuffing, Corn bread, Shepard's pie, Beans and white rice, Biscuits , Salad, Meatloaf, Cheesecake, Chocolate cake, Strawberry short cake, Chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, Banana pudding, Cookies,chocolate and sugar, Pumpkin pie and
Sweet potato pie." I rattled off cain nodded looking up at me

"We did it lady." he said we high fived each other laugh at our mini celebration.

"Now we have to get paper plates, plastic forks knifes spoons, drinks, plastic cups, serving spoons, hamburger buns, ketchup, mustard, relish, and salad dressings." I listed making Cain and I groan.

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