Chapter 22

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Antonio's POV

Chapter 22











"Three more days Ma." X said to me before giving me a kiss closing the locker behind me

"Three days till what." I asked completely confused

"It's November 16." He said simply before the bell rang he gave me one final kiss before leaving to catch up with Kay who waved at me mouthing three more days

I just walked to my third period class utterly confused. What's in three days like winter sports start the 30th. I wonder if X is doing any sports this season.

"You're late." My Latin teacher announced as I walked in

"Mrs. G the bell didn't even ring yet." I told her sitting at my seat she laughed before rolling her eyes

"It did Antonio you have to get here on time."

"But I'm coming from across the street." She just gave me that 'Why-the-fuck-you-lying-face' I just gave her an innocent smile she shook her head at me continuing to teach Latin

I felt my phone vibrate but I ignored it listening to Mrs.g talk to us in Latin. I know it's a dead language but it's really interesting learning this stuff. I wrote down our vocabulary and homework for the next day.

She talked about how the Romans took over stuff and made things different I wrote down the stuff she told us to write down.

"When are we learning about mythology?" I asked her she just told be soon going back to teaching us conjugations


I stuffed my things in my bag going to Chris's class as his class emptied out Chris stepped out we hugged then started walking to lunch.

"Hey guys!" Winter yelled giving us a bone crushing hug and continued walking to lunch Marley and Leo met up with us sitting at the table

"Have you guys ever heard of kīll la kill." Chris asked I yelled happily

"That's my show!" I yelled

"What's that?" Winter asked Chris and I stared to explain what the anime was

"It's a show the is about a war against clothes."

"Clothes?" Winter, Marley and Leo questioned looking at each other

"Yes in the show clothes are evil and want to take over the world." I exlaborated Chris nodded they just nodded

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