Our Place

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Word Count: 1144

I find her scent and follow it to a place I knew well. I see her sitting on the forest floor staring out over the cliff I often came to. I walk over slowly. "Are you alright?" I ask. She jumps and turns to look at me. She sighs when she sees me. I walk over and sit beside her. "I miss my mom.." She says in a soft voice. "That's normal. I know how it feels to loose someone close to you. I've lost friends in battles with rouges before." I tell her. She stares out over the cliff. "But you still have your parents. I lost my mother.. and it's as if I lost my father too. He's so broken without her." She sobs and ducks her head down. I place my hand on her back. "It'll be ok. Hey if you ever need someone to talk to... well, I'll gladly be there for you." I tell her. She looks up at me. "Thank you.. I don't know what to do.." She tells me. I watch her. She's so beautiful for being such a young girl. I need to figure out if she truly is my mate. It feels like she is, but she's 10 years younger than me. I feel the need to be with her and protect her, but at least I don't feel the sexual desire for her. It may be because she's so young. 

"Let's get back. I can still show you around before the ceremony." I say, smiling. She nods and I stand, helping her to her feet. "You know, this is the place I come to when I need to think. I've always kinda called it my place. But you know what, it can be both of our place. I don't mind sharing." I say, chuckling. I see her smile and she laughs as well. "That would be nice." She says. I nod and we make our way back. I mindlink Michelle telling her to let Anthony know Violet is alright and that I'll give her the tour and make sure she gets to the ceremony. She said he was ok with that and so I give Violet the tour. "Ready to see your new room?" I ask. She nods and I smile. She doesn't talk much at all. I lead her upstairs. Her room was actually down the hall from mind, which made me happy. Her father's room was next to hers. "Your dad is going to be right next to you there, but this is your room." I open the door and let her walk in before following. 

She looks around with wide eyes and I laugh. "It's huge!" She says. I shrug. "Not as big as my room but sure." I chuckle. She turns and gives me a small glare but it turns to a smile. "How much bigger is your room?" She asks. I shrug. "Not to much, but a little." I tell her. "Can I see sometime?" She asks. I laugh and nod. "Sure thing." I shrug and she smiles. "So do you have something to change into?" I ask. She frowns. "All our stuff was destroyed.. these are the only clothes I have left. Actually.. this is all I have left at all... same with everyone else really... our homes were burned to the ground, with everything inside... That's how some of them died as well..." She mumbles quietly.

I frown as she tells me this. "My mother though... she was in charge of helping our Luna get all the other women and children away... My father was Beta you know... well, in trying to get them to safety they were caught.... our Luna died protecting my mother, and my mother died protecting the others... I was there when they died. It happened right before my eyes... all because I'm not able to fight... I've always been weak and unable to fight. My mother died and I couldn't do anything but watch the whole scene.." She's crying now and I feel bad for asking about the clothes. I step closer and pull her into a hug. I don't say anything, I just hug her. I feel her arms go around me as she cries. Her face is barely to my chest. She's so small. My little mate. I feel the need to care for, and protect her. I wasn't sure how anyone would take the fact that my mate is a 15 year old girl. I wasn't even sure how I felt about it. Her father wouldn't be happy that's for sure. It wasn't uncommon for mates to have a wide age difference, but I've never met somebody with a mate 10 years younger than them.

I keep my arms around her until she finally stops crying and pulls away from me. "I'm sorry.. you must think I'm such a cry baby." She gives me a sad smile as she says this. "No, it's ok to cry Violet. I want you to know you can always come to me alright? If you ever need somebody to talk to about anything. I will always be right here." I say with a gentle smile. She nods and smiles back at me, wiping the tears from her eyes. I brush the hair away from her face and pat her on the head with a smile. "Thank you Heath. I don't know why you're so kind to me.. you don't even know me.. but thank you." She says, then hugs me again. I smile and hug her back. "I feel the need to protect you Violet. I can't explain why, but I do." I tell her. I hear her heart speed up before she pulls away. "I guess I should get ready for the ceremony." I hear her say quietly. She seems nervous now. "Stay right here ok. I'm gonna go get something." She just nods and I turn and leave the room. 

I make my way to my sister's room and knock on the door but hear nothing so I walk in. She's not here. I walk over to her closet and find what I'm looking for. It's a dark green dress. I know it should fit Violet because it's to short for my sister. I mind link Michelle and let her know before heading back to Violet's room. I get there and she stands as I walk in. I hold up the dress and she smiles. "That's for me?" She asks. I nod. "It was my sister's but it doesn't fit her anymore. I figured it may fit you." I hand her the dress and she admire it in her hands. "Go put it on, we gotta get going, the ceremony starts soon." I laugh, making her nod quickly then run off into the bathroom. This girl would be the death of me.

Violet to the side. Imagine with green eyes.

His Young MateWhere stories live. Discover now