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When Violet woke up I had only a few papers left. She played on my phone while I finished it all up. I could see her taking a bunch of pictures of herself and I smirk. She's a goofball. I finish the last paper and turn to face her. "Having fun little one?" I ask, chuckling as she makes a silly face. She stops and I see the red of her cheeks. I walk over and grab my phone, looking through the pictures and laughing at each of them. "You better delete all those.." She growls at me. I look down at her and smirk. "Not a chance." I say, shoving my phone into my pocket. She reaches to get it but I grab both her arms. "Not a chance little one." I say with a grin. She gives me a pouty look and I just smile, leaning forward and kissing her. She kissed me back before pulling away and smiling back at me. "Wanna do something today?" I ask and she nods. I think about it then look down at her. "What about a movie and dinner tonight?" I ask slowly. She immediately smiles and nods.

"Alright then. You want to pick the movie?" I'll let you use my computer." I say, walking over to my desk and opening up my laptop. She comes over and sits on my lap. I chuckle at her excitement. She is different than before. After my absence for 5 months last year she seemed to have changed a lot. Though we hadn't actually gone out alone together since that day I had left. I open up the website and sit back as she looks for a movie. I watch her, smiling at her every move. She is still like a child and I think it's one of the reasons I love her so much. I glance at the screen. "How about that one?" I point to the screen and smirk. It was a horror movie. "Absolutely not!" She exclaims, making me laugh. I knew she hated horror movies. "I'm teasing love." I tell her. She nods and goes back to looking through the movies. "This one!" She says. I glance at the screen again and groan. It was some romance movie. "Alright. Whatever you want little one." I say, giving her a smile. She hugs me and smiles. "Great! What time should we see it though?" She asks, looking at the times for the movie. I look at them as well. "How about a late movie?" I ask, glancing at her. She nods. "Since it's an almost two hour movie lets go with the 8pm time. We'll get dinner before." I say, making her nod excitedly. I laugh and shut down the site.

"We leave at 5:30." I say, glancing at the clock. It was only 1pm now. "What do you wanna do till then?" I ask. She looks at the time and frowns. "I don't know." She says. I think for a second then sigh. "There isn't much to do around here right now." I tell her, sitting back in my chair again. She leans back on me. I slide my arms around her and we just sit there, not saying anything. I felt relaxed, unlike usual when I'm in my office. We sit there comfortably for what feels like hours. There's a knock on the door and I let out a low growl of annoyance. Violet giggles and moves from my lap to the door. I lean on my desk as she opens the door. It was Anthony. "Dad what are you doing here?" Violet asks, hugging him. "Well I haven't really gotten to see you since you got back. I missed you so much." He holds her close to him and I smile at them. "I also wanted to speak with Heath about something. Cassie and Rose wanted me to ask you if you'd go shopping with them as well." He smiles as she pulls back. "Oh that sounds like fun. I'll need a new outfit for our date tonight." Violet says, turning to me. I smile and nod. She walks over and I hug her. "Stay safe." I say, kissing her cheek. She nods. I reach in my pocket and pull out my wallet. I give her my card. "Don't go to crazy love." I smirk, handing it to her. She takes it with a look of excitement.

I chuckle and watch her leave, closing the door behind her. Anthony smiles after her then walks over and sits across from me. "So how is she?" He asks. I sigh. "She's been better. But she seems to have grown stronger and more confident since the incident." I explain to him. He looks confused. "That is strange. I figured she would be different now but the opposite of that." He tells me. I nod in agreement. "Well on a more positive note. Violet's birthday is Saturday." He says. I smile. He's right. I had been planning on different things to get her, but couldn't make up my mind. "Were you planning anything?" I ask Anthony, who smiles. "I was thinking something more private than usual. She's turning 19 and I want this to be special for her, especially since she just got back." He explains. I nod. A small party would be nice. Less people to keep track of. "So only close family and friends." I say and he nods. "I'll make a list and get the word out to them. Saturday we could go out and do something. What do you think she would like?" I ask. He thinks about t then shrugs. "Why don't you ask her tonight. Not like we need it to be something secretive." He says. I nod, feeling excited now for this plan. "That's all I really wanted to talk to you about. I'll go now." He says, bowing slightly as he stands.

"Wait. Anthony I need to ask you something.." I say. I feel like I may regret my question but I needed to ask. He nods and sits back down. "Alright what is it?" He asks. I take a deep breath. "When did you mark your mate?" I ask slowly, keeping my eyes on him. I see his body stiffen and a look of sorrow pass through his eyes. He looks away. "We met the day she turned 17. I was 18 and since our pack had been fairly large I had never actually seen her before. Angelica. That was my mates name. I loved her from the moment I laid my eyes on her. We got to know each other and two months later I marked her. We got engaged not long after and after we married.. we had Violet." I listen to his story. I can tell he is hurting. "You can stop if you want Anthony. I don't want to force you to go through this pain." I tell him, but he shakes his head. "No, it's alright Heath. You want to know, I know you want to mark my daughter. I want you to know as much as I don't want for her to grow up, I want her to be happy. I may not like it, but you are my Alpha Heath, and you need a Luna. This pack has gone way to long without one and I know that." He tells me. I smile as he tells me all this.

"Well then, with that said I'd like to ask for you for your blessing. I wish to propose to her Saturday." I say, standing as I do. I see a smirk form on his lips. "Heath you have my blessing. But on one condition." He stands as well, looking me directly in the eyes. Usually that is a sign of a threat to an Alpha, but not when it was Anthony. Not when it is my mates father. "I'd do anything." I tell him. I watch him pull off his necklace and he hands it to me. "I want you to use this." He says. I look at the ring. It was beautiful. It clicks in my head. "This was your wife's ring... Anthony are you sure about this?" I ask, looking at him worriedly. This was all he had left of his mate. "I want nothing more than for this to be passed to my daughter. I feel there is no better way than this." He explains. I nod slowly. "Then I would be honored." I smile, making him nod. "You're a good man Heath. I'm glad my daughter has you. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't gotten her back. She is the only thing that keeps me going every day." I see the pain in his eyes. I couldn't imagine how it felt to lose your mate. I had been told that many end up taking their own lives. Anthony was strong. He had lasted this long without his mate, and it was all for his daughter. "Go get some rest Anthony. You look exhausted." I say, placing my hand on is shoulder. He nods with a small chuckle. I watch him leave my office/ I look down at the ring in my hands. It was gold and looked amazing. It wasn't to flashy, and it wasn't something over the top. Violet would love it and I knew she'd love it even more when I told her where it came from. I couldn't wait till Saturday.

Hope you like this chapter! Less than 10 chapters left till its over! I love writing this story for you guys! Make sure to like and comment! Thanks!

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