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The rest of the day went on great, though Violet kept asking me what time it was and when we were going home. She loved this place, but she seemed to want her other birthday present even more. I thought she was adorable as she jumped around excitedly with her friends who wouldn't stop gushing over the fact that we were now engaged. My mother was overjoyed, as was my sister. My father didn't seem to care at all for some reason, but I didn't let his bad mood get me down. "You did great Heath. I'm glad my daughter has you." Anthony says to me with a smile. I smile back and him and shrug. "I'm more lucky to have her than anything." I tell him. He smiles and we keep walking. Everyone is getting super tired. I was still full of energy just thinking about later, Violet seemed to be that way as well. I can tell everyone wants to go home. "I think today was a success." I say loud enough for them all to hear. Violet smiles and me and loops her arm around mine with a nid. Everyone else agrees as well. "I dont know about all of you but I'm exhausted." I say, looking at my phone. We had literally been here almost all day. It was almost 7, and it takes us an hour to get home. "We should head home." Violet says, yawning in the proccess. I smile. "Good idea. You look exhausted little one." I say and she nods. I look at everyone else nodding in agreement. We start our way out of the park and to the cars to head home.

The ride home was long and Violet fell asleep. When we arrive at the house I lean over and shake her gently. "We're home little one." I tell her. Her eyes open slowly and I smile. She smiles back and sits up. "You may want to wake your friends." I tell her. She nods and turns to wake them. I step out of the car as the others pull up. Violet comes over to my side and I put my arm around her waist. Her parents wave goodbye before heading to their rooms as we walk inside. Anthony walks over to us once inside. "Congrats. I know you will take good care of my little girl." He says, looking at me. I nod. "Of course I will." I tell him. He hugs violet before heading to his room. Everyone else had also went to their rooms. "You tired little one?" I ask as we all upstairs to our room. She nods sleepilyas I open the door. I sigh. "I thought you might be after today." She smiles. "It was the best day ever. I love you Heath." She says as I put my arms around her waist. "I love you too little one. But you know, today's not over yet. I did say I had another gift for you." I say with a smirk.

"You were serious?" She asks. I nod and lift her of her feet, her legs wrapping around my waist. I kiss her neck and I feel her fingers run through my hair. I walk over and lay her on the bed. I hover over her. "Are you sure you want this now?" I ask. She nods and I smile before leaning down and kissing her. She kisses me back. Her hands slide up my shirt, bringing it up and over my head. I throw it aside and pull her up, taking her shirt off as well. I kiss her again then move to her neck. I place a soft kiss to the place I will mark her. As I do, her fingernails dig into my back and I let out a low growl. I let my teeth pierce her soft skin, my wolf surfacing as I do. I feel her teeth pierce my neck as well. I run my tounge over the bite, sealing it. She does the same to me. I growl lowly as I look down at her. She giggles, making me smirk. "Little one, you are going to be the death of me." I growl. She just smiles at me before pulling me down into the bed.

I wake up to the bright room. I try to sit up but stop. I smile as I look at my mate asleep on my chest. I brush hair from her face and her eyes open. She smiles. "Hey there beautiful." I say, making her laugh. "Good morning." She says. "Last night was-" "Amazing." She finishes. I smirk and nod. She leans up toward me and kisses me. I kiss her back, pulling her closer as I do. "I told you." I say as she pulls back. "Told me what?" She asks. "That I could be more romantic than those movies." I say teasingly. She laughs. "I guess you were right." She says and I nod with a smirk. "I'm always right. I am the Alpha." I say with a smirk. "I however, am the Luna. So actually, I am the one who is always right." She says. I smirk. "Alright fine you win little one." I say, laughing. She smirks and curls up close to me. We both just as there is a knock on the door. "Heath? You in there?" The door opens and Michelle walks in. She stops, eyes wide. Violet pulls the blanket to cover herself, letting out a yell of surprise. I growl at my sister who looks shocked. "Get out!" I snarl. She wuickly shuts the door as she leaves. I growl. "Damn I really need to lock the door next time." I say, making Violet give a small laugh. "Let's get dressed and head downstairs. Im starving." She says, and I nod in agreement before moving out of bed and to the closet to change.

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