Put Her in Her Place

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When I woke up the bed was cold. I growl and sit up quickly, looking around the room frantically. Where is Violet? I jump out of the bed and go to the bathroom. She's not there. Where is my mate? I run downstairs, my wolf rampaging in my head. What if she was taken again? What if I lost her again? I look in the living room but she's not there. I go to the kitchen and let out a long sigh as I see her with Michelle, Cassie, and Rose. I fall into a chair and Violet turns to face me. "What happened to you?" She asks, looking worried. I glance up at her. "You scared me." I mumble lowly. She looks shocked but them smiles. "I'm sorry, I will leave a note next time." She says, making me smile. I and then stand. "What's for breakfast?" I ask, looking over at what they were cooking. "We are making biscuits and gravy." Michelle says, glancing at me. "Oh big brother. You may wanna put a shirt on before everyone else wakes up." She tells me. I glance down and frown. Shit I forgot. I got distracted in searching for Violet. I nod then run out of the kitchen and upstairs. I grab a shirt and slip it on. I look around the room and find my phone on the dresser. I reach for it and look through, making sure I don't have any texts as I leave my room and head back downstairs. I turn to go into the kitchen but stop at the sight in front of me. "Some Luna, getting taken so easily like that." Allie sneers. I go to step in but before I can Violet grabs Allie by the throat and shoves her against the wall, growling in Allie's face. I smirk and watch my little mate deal with the other woman. "You will stop speaking to me like a child. I'm not the same little girl you used to threaten and make scared. Stay away from me." She growls at her. Allie looks shocked, hell I'm shocked by my little mates outburst. She shoves Allie before moving away from her. Allie growls and walks out of the room, walking past me as she does. I smirk as she looks at me and she gives a huff before running up the stairs. "Damn." Violet turns as I speak. She blushed but I see the slight smirk on her lips. "You, my little mate, are full of surprises." I say, walking over and putting my arms around her. "That was awesome!" Rose exclaims, walking around the counter to look at her. I chuckle and nod. "I agree." Michelle says, coming over as well. Violet laughs. She's braver than she was before. It's weird that being kidnapped made her more brave. Most people would be the opposite. I watch as my mate talks to her best friend, and my sister. I look over as Alex and Cassie walk in. She was finally showing and everyone was overjoyed that there would be a baby around. When Michelle broke her news everyone was even more excited. A werewolf pregnance is five months, unlike a normal human that is nine months. Michelle is only one month in while Cassie is about two months in. Since she can't do patrols while she is pregnant she has decided to help out around the pack house. She hated not being able to do things. I wondered how Violet will be when she's pregnant.. No don't think about that right now! If I think about it then it only makes me want to claim her more. I watch my mate with the other girls. They all seem so happy now that she's back. The whole pack was distant from each other while Violet had been gone. It had made everyone realize how important she really is to this pack. With her back everyone seems happier. I knew I was happier for sure. I never want to loose my mate again.

When the food is finally done all of us sit around the table and eat. It was fun being around everyone, just talking and enjoying ourselves. As others come in, they join us. Fred and his mate walk in. The girl hasn't spoken hardly a word to anyone but Fred since she joined the pack. She'd been here a whole year but still nothing. I wasn't sure what to think of her. I knew many pack members don't accept her because she had been a rouge. Fred says she was scared being here with people who hated her. I told him I couldn't exactly do anything for the girl. I can't force an entire pack to like her. Not to mention after a whole year she still wasn't ready to formally join the pack. That part was what made me mad. I willingly accepted her into my pack and she refuses to become a formal member. I warned Fred that if she doesn't become a full member within the next two months, she was no longer welcome in the pack house. He hadn't been happy to hear that but I couldn't allow the girl in the pack house if she wasn't a full member of my pack.

Violet looks over at the girl with a smile. "Hi Addie." She says, making the girl look at her. "Hello." Is all she says as Fred helps her sit across the table. I keep my eyes on Fred who only glances at me, then looks to his mate. I shake my head and continue eating. He was being stubborn. He needed to understand my position on all this. I feel Violet's hand on my arm. I glance at her and see her giving me a warm smile. I smile back before standing. "Excuse me everyone. I've got paperwork to do." I say, grabbing my plate and taking it to the sink before walking out of the dining room towards my office. I get there and immediately dig through my papers, separating the things that needed to be done first. I make a few different piles. Before I can start, the door opens. I glance up and see Violet walk in. She comes over to me. "You okay?" She asks. I smile and nod. "I'm alright love." I tell her. She nods slowly. "How long do you think it will be till the pack doctors can make something to get this stuff out of me?" She asks, looking at the ground. I stand and walk around my desk to her. I pull her over and set her on the couch, sitting beside her and holding her close to me. "We will get this stuff out of you're system. You won't have to hurt any longer love. It shouldn't be to long." I tell her, rubbing her back. She lays her head on my shoulder. She sighs and nods. "I love you.." She says silently. I smile. "I love you too Violet." I say, making her move away and look up at me. "Will you finally mark me.." She asks. I feel my wolf stir at the mention of it. "Violet.." I grit my teeth and look away. I feel her lean closer and she places a kiss on my neck. I growl lowly. "I wouldn't do that if I were you.." I say. She keeps her lips to my neck, kissing up to my lips. I growl as she throw her leg over to straddle me. I grab her hips, pulling her closer, kissing her roughly. Her hands go into my hair as I slip my tongue into her mouth. She lets out a small moan, making my wolf go crazy. She brakes the kiss and her mouth goes to my neck again. I growl lowly, making her giggle. I throw my head back, my wolf is going crazy in my mind. As she gently bits my neck he almost slips through. I push her off me, running across the room away from her. I grip my desk, fighting every urge to claim Violet right here and now. She did that on purpose.. I turn and see her look of shock and hurt. I shake my wolf out of my head as he growls and fights to get close to her again. "I told you I will not mark you until you are healthy again Violet." I growl lowly. She frowns and looks away. "I don't want you to wait! I want to be your true mate right now. I want to be the Luna. I just want to be with you Heath!" She yells at me. I frown and stare at her. "I can't hurt you more than you've already been hurt Violet! You don't get it, me marking you now could make it all worse! You're body is flowing with wolfsbane and that drug. You're wolf wouldn't be very happy if she found out you forced me to mark you when you can't mark me without having her. I told you once. I can't let myself hurt you Violet!" I snarl loudly. She flinches as my voice gets louder. I stop and sigh slowly. I walk over to her slowly. "Violet.. don't try that again.. if my wolf had taken control it wouldn't have even been me marking you. It would be all him. Do you really want that?" I ask, sitting down beside her. She shakes her head. I pull her into my lap, holding her close to me. "I want it to be something special for the both of us love." I say, running my hands through her hair. She nods against me and I smile. "I'm sorry.." She says quietly. "It's okay little one." I tell her. She doesn't say anything else. "Little one.." I say softly. She doesn't reply. I smile and stand, laying her on the couch. I'll let her sleep while I work. I assumed the girls didn't get much sleep while in that place so no wonder she's already asleep again. I go back to my desk and start working. Hopefully this wouldn't take all day.

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