I Will Find You

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Violet's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling cold and sore. Also, my head really hurt. I sit up and freeze when I see I'm laying on a cement floor. I jump up and look around. I was in some kind of cell. It's dark. I see three other women on the floor. One is awake and I recognize her. "Jocelyn is that you?" I ask, slightly shocked. She looks up at me. "Violet you're awake.." She says quietly. I frown. "Where are we?" I ask. The last I remember was the fight back at the pack house. I was fighting when something hit my head hard and everything went black. Wait! Heath! Where is he? "Where is Heath? Did they hurt him?" I ask, starting to panic. She stands up slowly, shaking her head. "It's only us.." She says. I sigh in relief that Heath is ok but I wasn't sure why I am here. "Why us, and who are they?" I ask, gesturing to the other two girls laying unconscious on the floor. "They are Luna's of two of the packs we have the alliance with." She tells me. I nod slowly. "Why are we here? What happened?" I ask. I stop when I hear both the other two girls groaning. They look at us and they also recognize Jocelyn. "Where are we? Jocelyn what is going on?" One of them asks. "We were captured by those rouges. They are trying to weaken the alliance by taking the Luna's." She replies. The other two girls look at me. "You must be Heath Michelson's mate then." Says the other woman. I nod and she smiles. "Nice to meet you. I only wish it could have been in better circumstances." She says, laughing slightly but frowning. "I'm Ariana." She says, holding out her hand. I shake it. "I'm Violet." I say in return. "I'm Juliet." Says the other woman. I shake her hand as well. "So what do we do now?" Juliet asks. I look at Jocelyn. "We wait. We can't do much more. They have injected us all with wolfsbane." She says with a frown. I frown and look around the small cell. I walk over to where a small window was. I lift myself up and look out. I scream and fall back. "What was it?" Ariana asks, all of them coming over. "One of those rouges.. staring right in here watching us." I say slowly. Jocelyn growls and looks through. She gives him the finger then turns to me. "Don't worry. They will get us out of here." She says, smiling at me. I nod slowly but freeze when I hear a chuckling sound. "Don't be so sure about them rescuing you ladies. It may take them a while, and even if they find you, there is no guarantee they can actually save you." I turn and see five men smiling at us. A blonde haired one in the front. I stand with the other women and growl. "Heath is going to find us, and when he does, he is going to rip you apart." I growl. Jocelyn touches my shoulder and I look at her. She shakes her head, telling me to be quiet. "I suggest you listen to your friend. Stay quiet and we won't have to punish you little girl." Says the blonde guy. I keep my mouth shut. Another man with jet black hair walks in and Juliet gasps. She moves behind Jocelyn and I. "Aw little Juliet. Haven't you missed me?" The man asks with a wicked smirk. I was officially confused. "You see, we didn't only take you all to get to those damn Alphas. I have been trying to get my hands on you my little Juliet." He says. Blondie starts opening the door and they all walk in. Jocelyn moves in front of me, growling. These men are huge. The one with black hair is even bigger than Heath. Juliet is shaking. "I do not belong to you Derek." She says with fear in her tone. I wasn't sure who this guy was but he looked at Juliet with lust in his eyes. The blonde smirks. "She's all yours Der. Try not to brake her, we need them to lure in the Alphas." He says. I growl as Derek makes a move to grab Juliet. Jocelyn and Ariana stand with me, blocking the man from her. He just laughs. "Take care of these ones why don't you, James." He says to the blonde, James. His eyes land on me and Jocelyn steps in front of me again. James turns to one of his men. Grab the front one." He turns to another. "You get that other. The little one is mine." He looks to me again and I try to step back but we were now against the wall. The two both step forward and take hold of Jocelyn and Ariana. James steps forward and grabs my arm roughly. I hear Juliet scream as Derek grabs her. "Juliet!" I yell, struggling against James' hold on me. "I don't think so you little brat." He growls. He yanks on my arm, pulling me out of the cell. I yell and fight but his grip on me tightens. "I'm much stronger than you. I suggest you stop trying." He growls, pulling me up some stairs and into a different room. It's a house. He pulls me up more stairs and opens a door, throwing me into a bedroom. I hit the floor but quickly back into a corner of the room. He shuts the door and I watch as he locks it. "What are going to do to me?" I ask, fearing what he may say. He walks towards me with a wicked smirk. "Don't worry, I'm not going to rape you. I'm not like Derek." He says. I gasp, Juliet! "Then what do you want with me?" I ask, pushing myself against the wall. "I'll have my fun, but in a different way." He says. He reaches over and grabs an open laptop. He pushes a button and I hear what sounds like a ringing. Was he calling someone? "Hello?" I hear the confused voice. I gasp. It was Heath's voice. I'm about to yell but James' gives me a warning glance. I shut my mouth. "Heath." He says. "Who the hell are you and why are you Skyping me?" Heath says in an annoyed tone. "Oh I thought you may want to see a little something. I've got an offer for you Alpha Michelson." James' says. I frown, what was he talking about? "I'm very busy right now. What the hell do you want? I suggest you don't piss me off right now." Heath growls. I keep my eyes on James who now looks at me "Come here little brat." He growls, setting the laptop on the table again and facing it so it shows the empty part of the room that held a single chair. I shake my head but he growls so I do as he says. "What the hell are you doing? Who's there?" Heath asks, now sounded much different. I stand and walk to James. The camera wasn't on me yet. James gives me a smirk then opens a drawer and pulls out a syringe with a blue liquid inside. I stare at it with wide eyes. He grabs me by my hair. I cry out in pain as he drags me over and pulls me into the chair. "Violet!" Heath says. More faces appear into the view. Dom is there, as are the other Alphas. "I swear if you hurt her I will kill you!" Heath snarls. I can tell his entire body is shaking. "Heath..." I say but my voice is cut short as James sticks the needle into my neck and I scream out in pain. I hear Heath's snarl. The needle is removed but my entire body is burning. "Make it stop! Make it stop!" I scream, grabbing my head. "Want it to stop?" James asks. "Please!" I cry out. My entire body felt like it was on fire. What did he put in me? I see him pull out another syringe, this one is green. He inserts it in my neck. The pain starts to fade but doesn't stop completely. "That will only lessen it. Want it gone? Your mate will agree to my terms. At this exact moment, your mates are all experiencing this. Well, I don't know exactly what Derek will do to Juliet." I hear one of the men snarl. He must be Juliet's mate. "You let that bastard have my mate?!" He asks. James shrugs. "He pays well. So anyways. You Alphas will agree to my terms or your mates will slowly be tortured to death using this little drug of ours." He says. I look at him, glaring. He pats my head and I growl. "You've got a tough little mate Heath. To bad I don't like them this young. You haven't claimed her yet. I would have if she was older." I sigh in relief. At least I knew he wouldn't do that. "What are your damn terms you damn bastard." Heath asks, growling. I look at the screen, staring at my mate. "You each will hand over a quarter of your territory to my pack." James says. I snarl. "Don't you dare agree to that Heath. If you do, I will never forgive you." I say, staring at him through the screen, he frowns. I yelp as James yanks me by my hair. "What is your answer?!" He snarls. "We can't just hand over a quarter of our land!" Growls Pete. I can tell they are all reluctant. "Either that or you don't get your mates back." James growls. I shake my head, but he pulls on my hair again, making me yelp. "Times up, give my your answer." James growls. James looks at the door when their is a knock. I mouth to Heath his name. He look over the camera to someone across the room. "I promise I will find you little one." He says before the screen goes black and the call ends.


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