I Love You Too

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Heath's P.O.V.

We've been searching for three weeks. We have two of the most powerful witches in the country helping us search. James. That was the name of the man who had my mate. My Violet was in pain and I needed to find her. I made a promise, and I wasn't going to brake that promise. "Alpha.." I look up at Cassie. She smiles at me. "Hey Cas.." I say. "We will find her Heath. We will find all of them." She tells me. I nod slowly, not saying anything. She wasn't in the best condition after her sister went missing as well. "You need to sleep Heath..." She tells me. I groan. She was the eighth person to tell me that today. News flash! I can't sleep with my mate still missing and in pain somewhere! "I can't sleep with my mate being tortured out there somewhere Cassie." I say in a solid tone. She sighs and leaves my office. Good, I didn't want to yell at her. I sit back in my chair. I thought about the memories I had of my mate. I remembered first meeting the shy little girl who didn't know how to fight. I remembered training her until she was finally able to beat me. I remember her knocking me on my ass that day and being so proud of her. I feel something brush my leg. I look down at the cat. Emerald seemed to be gloomy ever since Violet had gone missing. I keep her with me when I'm in the house. She reminds me of my little mate and is the only thing that makes me even remotely smile. "I miss her too.." I say when she stares up at me. I pet her and she purrs. The door burst open. "Oh what now?" I growl, look up at one of the pack members who had been helping with the search. "Alpha we found them." His words shock me. I am frozen, not sure if it's even true. "Alpha? What do you want to do?" He asks, braking me from my shock. I stand. "Call the pack. Call everyone and have them gather in the meeting hall." I tell him. He nods and runs from the room. I walk out, shutting the door so Emerald doesn't get out. I walk outside and see the witches speaking together. "You found them?" I ask. "Yes Heath we found your mate, as well as the other Luna's." I smile for the first time since my mate went missing. "You found them?" I turn at the sound of Dominic's voice. My smile answers his question. "Good thing today was training day. Everyone is here and ready." He say, smiling with me. I nod. "I already have one of my pack member getting everyone to the meeting hall." I tell him. He nods. "Come on." I say to them. We make our way to the meeting hall and towards the front. The other Alphas were waiting. "We found them." Dom tells them. They were excited. Pete and Cain didn't understand how we felt, but they knew it meant a lot to each of us. I watch everyone walking in and I step up on the stage with the other Alphas and the two witches who were working for us. Alex walks in and gives me a nod, telling me everyone is here. "I'm sure you all know why we have gathered everyone today. We found our Luna's!" I exclaim. I hear cheers all around, making me smile. I nod. "We need a plan, and I've got one. Here is my idea."

After coming up with a plan we got everyone together outside. It was time to go save my mate and the other Luna's. I was overjoyed to learn their location. I was going to do as promised and rip that man apart for touching my mate. I stood with the other Alphas as everyone else shift. "James is mine." I say, not looking at them. "Derek is mine, though I may need some help. He's huge." Riley says. I nod and look at Cain and Pete. Cain raises a hand. "I'll go with Riley." He says. I nod. "We don't know what could be waiting for us." Dom says, looking forward. "True, but our mates are our first priority." I say and he nods in agreement. "Let's get this finished." I say before shifting into my giant white wolf. I had tied a pair of shorts to my leg so I had them for when we got there. The other Alphas shift as well. Let's save our Luna! I yell through the mind link. I hear shouts of agreement. The witches were in the front, leading us to the location. We start running and I let my wolf have control. He was more than ready to rip James apart and save our mate. He runs with our pack and the others, full of energy, and ready to do this.

It took us an hour to get there. We took two break but everyone was so excited to find our Luna's the breaks were mainly for the witches. We arrive and I realize is doesn't seem like much. It's almost like we are unnoticed at first, but then rouges pour out of the trees and buildings, shifting as they run at us. I run to the witches with the other Alphas at my sides. I shift and pull on my shorts. The others do the same. "Where now?" I ask. They look around then point to the largest building. Dom goes first and I follow him into the house. I hear someone running down the stairs. I growl, about to attack the girl but Pete growls at me. "Mate." He says, staring at her. She looks shocked. "Um.. I'm Jess.." She says, smiling slightly at him. "I'm Pete." He says. I'm annoyed now. Her eyes land on me and they go wide. "Heath!" She says my name, shocking me. "How do you know my name?" I ask, growling. "Oh! Come on! The girls are down here! Violet talks about you all the time." She smiles at me and my eyes go wide. "Violet.." I say quietly. She nods then turns and runs towards a door behind the stairs. We follow her. She opens the giant door and runs down stairs. I follow behind Pete who was at her side. "Violet!" Jess yells. "Jess?! What's all that sound outside?" I hear my mates voice. Jess stops at a cell. I run and look inside. "Violet!" I say, staring at my mate. She looks shocked. "H.. Heath?" She asks. "Who else?" I ask, smiling at her. I take a step back, looking at the cell door. I growl. "Dom help me." I say. "Dominic?!" I hear Jocelyn's voice from inside as well. "Jocelyn I'm here. Hold on, we will get you ladies out of there." He says. I grab the door and he grabs the other end. I let my wolf take over as I use all my strength, pulling at the door. It breaks off the hinges and the lock comes right off. We throw the door and all four girls run out. Violet runs straight into my arms. "I was so scared." She cries against me. "You will never leave my side again." I say, grabbing her face in both my hands, staring into her eyes. She laughs through her tears, nodding against my hands. "I love you Violet. Don't you ever scare me like that again." I say before smashing my lips against her. She instantly kisses me back. It was different than any kisses we'd had before. It held more passionate. I pull back and smile at her. "I love you too Heath." She say, smiling at me. God how I longed to hear those words leave her lips for such a long time.

"Oh how touching."

Cliff hanger! Hope you guys like the chapter. Will be uploading the next probably tomorrow or the next day! :) Make sure to vote and comment!

His Young MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora