Chapter 5/77: Elevator Panic

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"I-I'm not particularly a claustrophobic person." My voice came, slowly.

"But darkness in a closed place like this does not seem like particularly the best..." I panted, "Combo?"

Mr. Ellington's silence and the darkness was not particularly a better combo, either.

Though that all wasn't the only problem, no, more flashbacks were still coming back.

I whined, and collapsed back onto the wall of the elevator, and continued to pant, "C-Can't you call someone?"

I felt him reach for his suit pockets, and then hiss something in Italian under his breath. Bah, I didn't catch that.

"I'd somehow by infernal misfortune and lack of focus forgotten my cell phone in my office before I left." His voice came, a slight cold grudge present in it yet masked with ultimate composure.

I shuddered.

"Holy what?!" I snapped at him, "Out of all your ordered-as-clockwise days, y-you had to lose it today!" I panted, and tried searching with my eyes through the darkness.

He simply let out a sharp breath.

"I know! It has never occurred for me as to once neglect or forget something related to work, and yet..." His tone remained cool, it was completely unaffected.

I sighed, and hugged myself while shivering.

I disliked darkness, especially such darkness which made me feel like I couldn't breathe.

I then felt him shift, and stiffened.

"Wh-Where are you moving to?" I whispered, raising my hands up in a defensive position, trying to tell where he is and if he was near.

I felt him head towards the other pole of the elevator, which faced me and was near the door.

As my eyes slowly adjusted to darkness, I could make the outlines of him by now. I watched as his left hand roamed over the button list slowly, and in a focused manner.

I crossed the steps separating us, and stood beside him, as I placed my left hand on the tightly shut door to feel more acquainted with my surrounding.

I eyed the profile of Mr. Ellington, barely visible profile in the dark, and swallowed.

"Might I know what you're doing, president?"

He didn't stop the roaming of his long and steeped fingers over the buttons.

"Oh I may not have my phone, Signorina, but I am quite aware of the presence of an emergency button between these buttons." He explained, slowly and icily.

I kept on eying him, and reached my hand towards the buttons too, "I-I'll search too, then!" I announced, softly, and started moving my fingers over the buttons aimlessly.

"No, wait. Don─" His voice trailed off.

His large and manly roaming hand landed over my petite and feminine hand. And they both froze.

I didn't remove my hand from under his, and he didn't remove his from above mine. Goodness it was warm.

My breath stuck in my throat, and I felt my face heat up.

He little finger roamed over the remaining buttons beneath my hand, and his hand remained over mine.

"I think," His hand stopped moving, and his finger laid on a single button right beside my hand. "I have found the emergency button."

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