Chapter 32/104: Targets

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Riding in a car with an utterly cool and cold, composed, yet dangerously boiling-inside Rickard Ellington Conway, I had reached the conclusion, was such a life-threatening act.

How had I reached such a conclusion, you may ask?

Oh it was not a very hard point to conclude, in fact. Pretty much, do you know those cars you normally control in video games? We were moving just so.

Apparently, a not-so-pleased Rickard Ellington Conway drove nothing close to civil driving, and everything close to delinquent and underage driving.

It was like he were moving a virtual car.

I was pretty glad I had my seatbelt on, for it was hugging me too tightly, scared for my life definitely more than my employer.

The mad Lamborghini ducked between the cars in a very swift and stealthy way, like a cheetah charging at its pray.

I could readily believe we had surpassed the speed limit in the road we were on. Holy!

Despite all, I could not deny that the bastard beside me was a skilled driver.

Not a single car did we brush, not a scratch did our car receive.

"A-Aren't we holy going," I tried to swallow as the car sped even faster, and I glanced towards him, "A little too fast, Mr. Ellington?"

He did not bother as to turn towards me, or answer me, for example. Instead, he simply slowed down for just a second, as if realizing it wasn't just him in his car.

I eyed his beauteous features to the side, and felt my heartbeat rate pick up.


His features were not just beautiful, but also harsh. They didn't mirror anything but nobility and arrogance.

He seemed in deep thought, as if millions of ideas and hypothesises and thoughts were crashing in that cold brain of his.

Despite so, he still appeared perfectly calm and composed. Controlled.

I finally let out a shaky breath, as we came to a stop before a fancy hair salon, where Sarah Dowell emerged out, looking panicked, as she ascended into the car.

"The..." She finally let out a breath as she shut the door behind her, "The third mirror for today!"

I gulped, and turned towards her. "Y-You received more as well?"

She looked towards me, uncomfortable, "It's really... Uncomfortable anymore. This is getting pretty fishy, I mean, a broken mirror is a bad omen in Lebanon."

I blinked at her, but then frowned to myself, "Personally, I'm shaken by the whole thing. It's like we're... targeted, Sarah!"

She sighed, and looked towards the president, "Rickard, can't you do something? Who do you think it is?! An-And why are we the targets?!"

The president continued to eye the road before him with his hawk, deadly eyes, and they darkened.

"Whoever is doing this," He let out, slowly, composedly, "Has nothing personal against either of you."

I gasped, and so did Sarah.

"Whoever is initiating such ridiculous games..." His voice lowered, dangerously, and his jaw clenched, "He is trying to mess with me."

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