Chapter 12/84: Behind the Wolven Eyes

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"Red?!? B-But Kat, I-I don't think such a flaming color is... errr, suitable for a business meeting!" I stuttered, unsure, as I gazed at the short, sleeveless red dress my best friend had suggested for me to wear to 'business' meeting with my ex-employer, his secretary, my new employer and Abel Daniels, tonight.

Beside me, Katherine Martines snickered, slightly, and gazed proudly at the dress, mischief glinting within her eyes.

"But you told me that Ellington ass will be there, no?" She smirked.

I frowned softly, not really getting her point. "Yes, and?"

She chuckled in something like victory, and then held the dress up, turned towards me, and let out another victorious chuckle.

She nudged me forward towards our shared bedroom, and we exited her study.

"Then do as I say! Go wear this because I know it's perfect!" She cheered.

I smiled in defeat, and sighed, as I headed to change.




When I emerged out of the bedroom and towards Katy's study again, a broad grin spread over her face, "Ah, ah. Let's just hope his pants are not too tight!"

I flushed, frowning, "Wh-What are you even saying!"

She giggled, as she stood up from her seat, and came towards me, as she ran her fingers through my long locks, "Let's just apply you a bit of make-up, and get those curls a bit more defined!"

I smiled, "Aye, aye, captain!"


By the time I became ready, it was already time for Abel Daniels to pass and get me, just like we'd agreed earlier.

I had just finished applying the final touches of perfume, when I heard his car horn echoing in an even rate, so I bid Katy a farewell, and headed out.

As I got into Abel Daniels' car, he was not looking at me, but talking on his phone while focusing on nothing in particular.

I got in silently at that, and simply closed the door silently and sat in my place, waiting.

Upon the gentle shut of the door, Abel Daniels looked in my direction while talking.

"Yes, you have to be there at─" His voice trailed off as his eyes fell on me.

His wolven eyes glowed with some deep emotion, and yet he kept his neutral expression, as his lips parted to signal slight surprise.

I blinked at him, and a voice from the phone seemed to shake him off, as he quickly blinked, and shook his head, trying to regain... focus?

"E-Ehem," He cleared his throat, "I shall call you later, do excuse me for the moment."

He cut the line at that, and started the engine, wordlessly.

As he drove off, I fidgeted softly in my place, trying to break the ice in the aura. Durn, why isn't he saying anything?!

"Wh-Why aren't you saying anything?" My thoughts -you know me- were directly turned to words which I suddenly voiced out, softly.

He glanced at me, and then sighed softly.

"I might say I don't have... words?" He whispered, hoarsely.

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