Chapter 71/143: Family Love

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Rickard Ellington's voice was cooler than ever, and yet somehow, it sent chills over my entity.

I flushed, softly, and started nearing him.

"If you exit that door now, I will..." My mother's voice came, strangled, "Consider you just like your dad."

I clenched my teeth, sobbing, and eying her with plead, "Please, mom, don't do this...!"

She wasn't eying me, but her wet gaze was clashing against a cold, imperial one from behind me.

"You're abandoning us, just like your father did. What can you expect of me to do?" She spoke, her voice shaking in pure agony.

I shuddered, and tried searching for words I couldn't find.

That was when his majesty moved some steps in our direction.

Eying him, I found his haze freezing straight from Antarctica.

"I am aware my intervention is out of place, Signora Thorne," His voice came, composed, arrogant, and yet extremely cautious and courteous. It was clearly that of a nobleman. "However, I find it essential I point out Miss Charlotte is doing nothing of that sort. On the contrary, she is doing the exact opposite. She is attempting to ensure your safety."

Butterflies did a fair deal of summersaults upon my name escaping his lips extremely smoothly.

My mother's eyes were wide, and her lips opened and closed in search for an appropriate comeback. She then clenched her jaw, frowning, "I have always held great admiration for you, Mr. Conway, however, I do not believe you have had enough contact with our family to know whether my daughter is ensuring our safety or not."

I gasped, "M-Mom!" I scolded.

She had straight-off shot him down.

My president didn't seem much fazed, though, as he fixed her with his steady gazed, "You have a point, I have had limited contact with you through the past months of my acquaintance with your daughter, but I would advice you not to underestimate my research engines." He reached for his wristwatch at that, pressing it slightly.

"I might know about the current situation of your husband more than you or anybody else."

I gawked at him with wide eyes, like seriously! And you did not tell me!

He didn't turn towards me, an kept the staring contest with my mother.

She raised her chin up, "Nothing obliges you to help us. We can take care of this at our own, we can call the police, issue a prosecution, immigrate from London, anything!"

Rickard Ellington Conway scoffed, his eyes flashing in danger, "Things are not as easy as you presume them to be, Signora. The mafias you are against might as well hold power to break the law, escape the police, and find you wherever you are. They are powerful, I tell you, just because they are above the law does not necessarily imply they are weak or helpless."

My mother seemed to be speechless at that, as she opened her mouth several times and closed it.

My master kept his cold, imperial gaze at her, unflinching, "I am an ally of yours, Signora Thorne, I can assure that. And, to prove you that, I, Rickard Alexander Ellington Conway, give you my word to unite you with your husband in a span of twenty-four hours." He reached for his wristwatch over his right hand, "I am certain he can be of extreme benefit to sort this case out."

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