Chapter 46/118: The Possible Impossible

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The word rung through my brains, as I ascended into the silver Lamborghini of Rickard Ellington Conway.

He had not spoke a letter after my comment about the cruelity of fate.

Perhaps he knew too well.

Perhaps he did not agree.

Perhaps he had nothing in mind to say.

Whichever case, he said nothing.

I sighed, as he drove in silence.

"So she was why you left Astronomy, afterall." I murmured,  breaking the silence.

He shifted, as he moved the steering wheel calmly.

"I wanted," He started, slowly and frostily, "To prove myself at some point before her. I wished to destroy Lucas Collins."

I shuddered.

"And? H-He didn't seem much destroyed to me." I protested.

He didn't flinch. "I changed my mind after some time."

I bit my dry lips, "Why?"

"He is a victim, just like Rei—Mrs. Collins," he paused, as though what he was going to say was ultimate danger, "And I."

Ah, so he was hesitant about admitting himself as victimised.

I didn't comment.

"When I acquired power, revenge against them did not seem so important anymore." He spoke, voice calm. "Instead, I diverted my aim till it became the revenge against one man."

I shuddered, and eyed as his ocean-blue eyes rumbled.

"Trevor Ellington Conway."

I gasped, "Y-Your father..."

He didn't seem shaken with what he said, and kept driving smoothly.

"He must be destroyed." He stated, voice unwavering, "And I have already decided it will be I who will achieve so."

I gulped, and shivered, "But... Why?"

"I am now halfway away from getting my hands over the whole enterprises." He explained arrogantly, "A year from now, he will have to appoint the upcoming chairman of the enterprises."

"When that happens, I will possess the power to defeat him. To bring him down and step over his pride and highness." His knuckles became white at that, and his jaw clenched.

I bit my lips, "B-But you're relatively young to be a chairman."

He nodded, "I won't take the position right away, but I will be legally the upcoming chairman. If that were to happen, then it's a certain I have gotten my hands over the enterprises."

His look intensified, giving a clear inhumane gleam.

"I will destroy him at that. Utterly and completely."

I frowned, "He's your father! You can't just aim to step over his pride because of some simple parent-child fig─" My voice was cut off, as he stepped harshly over the brakes and the car jolted to a stop.

"G-Gah!" I gasped, surprised.

His left hand moved from the steering wheel, and up towards my face.

He gripped my chin roughly, and whipped my face towards him.

My heart stopped beating for a second.

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