Chapter 24/96: Secret Secretary

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Update 2!! Enjoy xxx

I was awakened by the rustling of the keys unlocking the door.

Groaning sleepily, I tried slightly flipping my eyes opened.

A dark, slightly fat silhouette came to my view, and it took me some time to register it was not familiar.

The silhouette came closer, and my comprehension system lowly started working.

I gasped, and directly straightened.

The silhouette let out a slight chuckle.

Glancing to my watch, I figured only five minutes had passed during my very short sleep.

Still feeling some dizziness in my head, I glanced at the man nearing my bed, the sense of threat slowly sinking in.

I pushed myself to the end of the bed, my breath hitching, as the man came a step closer.

With a medium height and a full figure, the man clearly was in his fifties. He wore a pair of thick and round glasses, and had a bold head with light hair strands on either sides. His short mustache gave him some foreign aura, and I shuddered as I saw his sly expression as he gazed into me.

A smile crossed his lips, as he threw something over the bed for me.

I gasped, as I eyed the stuff he'd thrown.

It was a bag, clearly containing several stuff.

He chuckled.

"Indossare la roba nella borsa, giovane donna." His thick Italian accent came, and I blinked.

His voice was dark, and clearly amused.

I furrowed my eyebrows, and shook my head to indicate my oblivion of what he was saying.

He chuckled again.

"Oh my, you do not understand Italian, I see." He spoke with clear Italian accent transformed into English.

I gulped.

"I said: Wear za(the) stuff in ze(the) back (bag), young woman." He gave me his dark grin.

I frowned, and carefully grabbed the bag, as I pulled out its contents.

I blinked several times, as I eyed the short and very, very revealing violet dress found there, and a pair of black matching heels, plus a... A violet and black mask.

I eyed the dress, and gulped again.

It was made of see-through black material, barely covering few parts of my anatomy with its violet fabric. Quite short, and clearly meant to expose my thighs.

There was also a weird thing over it... A whistle?

I bit my lips, "Who are you? Wh-What is this?" I tried keeping my calm, though damn! I stuttered!

He smiled, "My, my. Do you not know me, il mia amore?"

**Il mia amore: My love**

I eyed him intensely.

He couldn't be...

He laughed out loud at my dumbfounded expression.

"I am giving you your mask, your clothes for the event, and I have uncovered your identity." He mused.

I swallowed. He...

"I," He smiled, widely, "Am the founder of this event, Miss Private Secretary of Rickard Ellington."

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