Chapter 72/ 144: Third Visit to Tottenham

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With my heart almost between my legs, I stormed behind my master into the heaven gate of the estate.

We were met by the guilty face of Harold Calder, who was clearly awaiting hell to befall on him.

He stood as stiff as a wooden stick, a slight shake apparently crossing his large entity.

The moment we reached him, Mr. Ellington stopped before him, shooting him a fatal, icy glare, "Where is she, Harold?"

The leader of the Beta stiffened, as he gulped, slightly lowering his head, "Y-Young master, sir, the woman cannot be found anywhere in the estate."

I felt my blood broil, "Wh-What's that supposed to mean?!" I snapped, "A whole security system didn't notice her slip away!"

Harold Calder shuddered, but turned not towards me, as he moved his jaw, "She managed to seduce t-two of the bodyguards to help her slip off."

I flushed, and opened my lips to reply, but found no proper snap at that.

Like seriously, what was I even supposed to say?!

Conceal your thingies better under your pants?

Your chores should be hotter than my sister for you?

Jobs before dancing anacondas?!


I sighed, shaking my head, as I pulled out my phone, in an attempt to scroll through my contacts.

Damn, I didn't even have her number! Ugh!

It was at that that Mr. Ellington's phone buzzed in some message.

Viewing it, I noticed the weird, deadly concentrated darkness which stirred.

I blinked at him, questioningly.

The handsome Adam shifted, his gaze going into frightening intensity, "Your punishments will await you all later," He fixed the leader of the Beta, "As for now, we shall search for the lost sister." He spoke, emotionlessly, for a second, as he shot me an odd, deep look I felt my legs turn into jelly.

He started moving back towards the gate, and I moved to follow.

His pace suddenly slowed down, and I noticed his neck muscles tense, suddenly.

And then it all happened at once.

He turned, and moved in a speed hardly caught by my eyes, as be approached me.

My eyes widened, as I barely caught the sight of his left hand holding some... cloth!

And whoop, it landed over my mouth before I could shake it off!

A strangled, suffocated whimper escaped me, and my eyes remained wide, as my legs started giving away.

I arced over his hand, and tried touching it while it remained over my lips.

He finally removed it slightly, and I let out a loud, shivering breath while he held me in place.

"I-I don't... understand...!" I forced out, my vision crashing into utter blur.

As my body slowly gave away, his other hand came to my shoulder, as he held me up against his chest.

"Where your sister is... I cannot take you there." Holy Gods... His voice... why did it seem somehow... apologetically freezing?

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