Chapter 39/111: I hate him

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It was beyond priceless.

The expression on his face, that is.

He was frozen.

His face had gone far from mine at that.

The night lights highlighted his harsh features, and they emphasized on the slight red shadow my right hand had left over his left cheek.

His head was slightly arced to his right, where the slap has directed it.

His lips were parted, as well, frozen.

His beauteous eyes were wide.

They mirrored pure blue, which was also icebound.

They were not even frozen.

Just purely disbelieving.

"This is too much." My whisper came, hard, and hurt.

Tears strolled down my cheeks, as I clenched my teeth and hardened my expression at him.

"Too much." I chocked.

His eyes shot to meet mine, as they slowly started regaining position.

And yet, he remained unmoved.

"How can you do this while you have her back?" I sniffed, broken, "Or do I just seem so desperate to you?"

His eyes remained iced, and they slowly started registering, as their color started showing consciousness.

Like he started drifting back to reality.

Slowly, they regained their own size, and the coldness in them started intensifying.

His jaw hardened, and his lips straightened, as he turned away from me.

I eyed him with unsure eyes, as he deliberately unbuttoned his black suit jacket, and slipped out of it.

His muscles emerged proudly under his thin linen-shirt, and his waistcoat did nothing but emphasize over his broad chest and shoulders.

His VII appeared as he shifted carelessly.

I bit my lips, but spoke nothing.

It's been a long time since he gave off such aura before me.

It was one which scared me.

Too calm. Too cold. Too... Dark.

It was like I'd awakened a demon.

In the past weeks, though he remained cold and icy, I had felt some kind of unique, unprecedented... warm aura radiate off of him.

I knew he'd never admit it, so I'd never really opened up about it.

But somehow, I could feel it.

Now, though...

It vanished as though it never existed.

At this particular moment, I could feel the dangerousness broiling within him.

Rickard Ellington Conway was a proud man.

A slap like this... Shooting him down when he came closer... Of course it's not something so simple and negligible for him.

His jacket came over me, roughly, and I jumped in surprise.

"Get off."

I gasped at his voice, which tied a knot in my throat.

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