Chapter 64/136: Nothing

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Grabbing the closest thing to my right hand, a shampoo bottle, I threw it at the guy's face.


He stumbled back, "You bi***! Damn!"

I moved past him, fast, in a bathrobe.

Phone, phone, phone!

Or door, door, door!

Whatever just do something Cha—

His hand shot to grab my wrist, and a loud chuckle escaped him. "Now you don't think I'll let you off that easily, do you?!"

My breath hitched. Crap!

I bit my lips, and struggled for him to let go. Naturally, he didn't.

I took my position to apply a Karate move on him.

"Kiai!!" My leg came up, but before I could even touch him, a blow to my right cheek sent me flying to the ground.

I whined, and struggled to pull myself up.

His fingers found my hair, and he pulled me up, "Now, being a bi*** is painful, isn't it? How about being a good girl?"

I could feel the hot line of blood stream down my cheek, as he pulled me up by force. I whined, but nevertheless stood up.

My tears stung my eyes, but yet again, I clenched my muscles to a new level.

My hands shot up to grab the wrist of his hand which clutched my hair, and I pulled it forward, as I raised my knees up to shoot him thrice in the stomach, and once in the crotch.

Obviously taken by surprise, the dude collapsed to the ground with a loud whine, and I struggled to keep standing up.

He was not unconscious, though. Because I knew my shots had temporary effect due to my weak musculature.

I gulped, "Wh-Where is my father? What do you want of me?"

He clenched his hands over his crotch.

"Y-You motherfucker..." He clenched his teeth, "Wh-When I get up... You'll—Aghh!—Regret this!" He growled.

Wow, so the crotch is really such a painful spot for guys!

I huffed, eying how helpless for a second he was.

"Y-You know I can run away now." I threatened, "But I want to hear answers first. Where is he?" I hardened my voice, "Tell me where is my dad, and I will go with you!"

He blinked for a second, and panted, "Y-Your dad....?" He eyed me for a long moment, and then, finally, I felt him stir, as a loud laugh escaped him.

I shuddered, as he moved at that, somehow regaining his motility.

"Find him at the first gambling table in the bar!!" He let out a loud, hysteric laugh, "Such a failure!" He laughed louder, "The motherfu**er thinks he'll win if he keeps gambling!!" He continued on laughing.



And with every single laugh of his, he was shattering me.

Without even knowing.

Tears started streaming down my face, as he came closer, and I moved back, finally stumbling over the service table which he came in here to 'serve' me, at least, while in disguise.

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