Chapter 73/145: Bullets in the Dark

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Read+Enjoy+Check out the important A/N by the end of the chappie!

After receiving a call from Katy where she informed they had met up with Leonard —who had my mom along, and were safely heading towards the place where dad said he would meet the last one, I kept my striding behind the two leaders of the president's squads.

They were both clearly trained to move like military forces, for they strode with clear confidence yet well-trained consciousness and wakefulness.

We darted into the particular alley which lead to the 'Please and Pleasure' bar, and I directly recognized it.

The sounds of shots got louder at that, and I realised we were nearing the battlefield.

The moment the bar became at sight, my heart gave a loud squeeze in alarm, and somehow, it was just right.

The world exploded from around us.

In gunshots.

Shots from everywhere hammered at us like heavy rain, and I felt things similar to nails scratch against my skin, but I was shielded by the large two figures of the squad leaders who placed me between them, as we kept on moving.

They were wearing bulletproof vests, I could tell.

But bulletproof vests only protected the chest.

Not the arms or legs.

We darted to a narrow alley I've never paid attention to before, and they seemed to have lost us in the dimness of the night.

The two leaders stood to either my sides, and they were panting heavily.

"Luckily enough, they were shooting aimlessly in the dark..." Romeo panted heavily, "They couldn't exactly locate any vital points..."

He slightly peeked from behind the wall, "However, I will need a rifle from one of those," BAM! He shot with his gun, and a body some feet away slumped to the ground. "So I can shoot in both hands."

I frowned, "B-Both hands?" My eyes then fell on what he was carrying on his back. "Oh."

It was a rifle probably my height.

It was at that that I felt some kind of wetness over my shoulder from my right side.

I gasped, and turned towards Harold, as my eyes widened.

He was still panting, sweat dripping down his face in agony.

And his shoulder was bleeding, roughly.

I gasped, "Good God! Why didn't you say you were hurt?!" I hissed in panic, and started scanning my head for first-aid kits.

He didn't glance at me, as he reached with his other hand to his gun, and passed by me to shoot a bullet in the dark.

A body slump was heard, and yet there was no shooting for the attackers thought it was shooting among them and that we'd slumped dead.

Peeking at the alley, I could see that a large number of armed men was gathering, coming down from their hideouts to find the sources of fire.

Wait, don't tell me...

"On the count of three," Romeo whispered, "You know the plan, Harold?"

The leader of the Beta nodded, not losing his determined expression despite his bleeding shoulder.

My heart gave a painful squeeze. Don't tell me we're going to just march onto these!!

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