Chapter 26/98: Trevor Ellington Conway

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My mouth hung half-opened, my eyes wide.

Every single inch of my body tingled with a sheer numbness.

A step or two separated us, and I noticed the guy who was trying to harass Miss Williams along with other two guys in black, stood behind him ─Obviously his bodyguards.

I was not exactly seeing right as to calculate how many times my size they were. But they were huge, I tell you.

My eyes snapped back to him.

The unalloyed inhumanity reflected in his eyes never wavered, and the mercilessness intensified to make his eyes look like pure steel.

I tried moving my lips, but no words came out.

That was the thing about him.

He renders you speechless.

His presence was earth-shattering enough to numb my senses, and comprehension.


Damn why?!

Why was shivering?!

Why was I this... this scared?!

Crap he didn't even move a thing yet!

His lips finally parted, and his nerve-wrecking gaze never left me.

"You are the secretary of the first branch." He let out, his lips hardly moved.

His voice was pure dominance, it came out like the voice of a God speaking to mortal.

No voice came out from me, as my lips trembled.

"You are that brat's secretary." He echoed with some changes, "Getting my company into trouble," He murmured, voice filled with utter disinterest and heartlessness.

"How unpleasant."

The words escaped his lips as if he were a cold-blooded murderer, and the power he emitted was something else.

He kinda hit you directly to the psychological core ─rendering you unmoving.

"Well," He continued, as if knowing I will not say a thing, he reached out his hand towards me, and my legs almost gave away, "Let's take that mask off, so that the loss goes back to us, and not for another company."

I tried pushing my body to a breaking point, not a nerve moved.

My nervous system was in too much shock to move.

It was as if I was seeing the shadow of a demon behind him.

He scared me.

And not just me, I could see the fate of whoever defied him in his eyes.

I had known Rickard Ellington for nearly a year, but comparing his presence to his father was complete idiocy.

Because their presences were nothing like similar.

While the first emitted pure highness and arrogance, plus coldness, the latter radiated sheer darkness and unrivaled power; he reeked of that evil supremeness.

The son's words shot to my mind at that.

'If you spot my father, or hear he is near us through the whole event... you vanish. Vanish!'

AFTER NEVER (Charlotte's Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin