Evening 1: The Pure Blood Prince Karma!

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My name is Nagisa Shiota. I'm a third year student here in Japan. Lots of crazy stuff has happened up till now. Like how our teacher is a yellow, tentacle, boob-loving, alien. Our job as Class-E is to kill him before graduation, which isn't going very well. The reason why is because he's going to destroy Earth, and we're the only ones that can stop him. Before mid-terms, however, he said if we didn't place in the top 50 of the grade he would leave. Unfortunately none of us were even close. The reason why, is because the principal added new lessons we didn't know about. But that's when things started to get weird. The following week a man named Mr. Cross came to our class. He said he saw the potential in us, and gave us the opportunity to switch schools. At this new school we would be treated like equals, and no one would make fun us. We all agreed. The best part about moving schools, is that our teachers are allowed to come with us. The weird thing though, is that we were placed in the Night Class and not the Day Class. Pretty weird isn't it? Any way, the school we're going to is called Cross Academy. It's a boarding school with two different classes. The Day Class and the Night Class. The Day Class students are regular students. The Night Class students, however, are Vampires. Real live Vampires! Not only that, but my best friend is one too! His name is Karma. It's hard to believe your best friend is a blood sucking demon.

"Yo Nagisa!"

"Hey Karma!" I greeted the red headed teenager.

Karma had red hair and sharp gold eyes. When he smiled you could see tiny fangs in the corner of his mouth. For some reason they're not fully grown in. He caught up to me, and we both started walking towards the school.

"Hey, does anyone else know about the Night Class being Vampires?" I asked.

"No," Karma simply answered, shrugging his shoulders.

"What?!" I yelled, suddenly stopping.

He stopped and looked at me.

"Isn't that going to cause problems for the others if they don't know?!"


He began walking again. I quickly ran after him.

"We have to tell them eventually!" I countered.

He shrugged his shoulders again.

"Let them find out. When they do I'm sure it's going to be hilarious."

He turned and gave me one of his rare, caring smiles.

"Besides! They won't hurt us!"

"How do you know that?!" I yelled/asked.

"Nagisa, Nagisa, Nagisa....."

He stopped and turned around. He raised his arm up, and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You still have so much to learn...."


He laughed and pulled his hand away.

"You'll find out sooner or later, Nagisa."

He began walking towards a black iron gate. I quickly followed him. He opened the gate and we both walked in. It was still evening, so we had some time before class starts.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"We head towards the dormitory."

"Alright.....Wait what?!"

"What's wrong, Nagisa?"

"Wouldn't the Vampires be mad at me if I went in there?!"

"Relax!" He yelled. "They won't hurt you I promise!"

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