Day 2: Weird Karma

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"A boy that looks like me?"

Karma leaned back into his chair, his hand on the mouse of his computer.

"Yes! He looked exactly like you except he had red eyes!" I told him.

"So he finally came huh...."

He chuckled and leaned forward in his chair, so he was right in front of his computer.

"You're calm about this?" I asked the red head.

"Of course I am," He answered, his hands on the key board.

Click. Click. Click.

"Why are you?"

"Because he's my twin brother."


I blinked.

"YOU HAVE A TWIN BROTHER!?" I yelled at him.

He laughed, but he never took his eyes off the screen.

"It gets me every time."

"How come you never told me?" I asked him.

"Because if I did, you would bomb-boarding me with questions. Like how you are now."

He moved his chair closer to his desk.

"Why is that a bad thing?"

"It just is," He answered simply.

I walked towards his bed and sat on it. Then I realized how dark it was in the room. The curtains were closed, and the lights were turned off. The only thing that was emitting light was Karma's computer scene.

"What are you even looking at?"

I got up and moved behind him. He was looking at a website. On the top of the page read "Shuu and Laito Sakamaki Concert".

"Sakamaki. That's what Karma said to the guard at the gate. Are these people related to him?" I thought.

I looked at Karma. His eyes never left the screen and his hand was still on the mouse. For second, I thought I saw his eyes turn to an emerald green color.

"Karma?" I asked.

He snapped out of his thoughts, and his eyes went back to normal. So I wasn't imagining it. His eyes turned green! He shook his head and exited out of the page and he stood up, his chair rolling away from him.

"I have to go talk to my brother. See you around, Nagisa."

Then with that he left the room, closing the door behind him. I looked back at the screen.

"Karma's not acting like himself. Was it because of those names? What were they? Shuu and Laito.....What do those two names mean to Karma?"

I looked at the clock, Karma had beside his bed.

"I'll have to think about it later. I better go get some sleep."


Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update! Any way I would like to thank DestinyGirlz for making the cover! This chapter is also dedicated to you! ^-^

Nagisa's NotesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora