Night Class 3-Part 1: Glowing Red Eyes

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We were the last ones in the same classroom. Everyone else were in their seats either reading, talking, or writing down something in their notebooks. Lexi and I sat in our regular seats.

"Hey, Lisa? Where are Cho and Marie?" I heard Aido say down in the front.

The girl with purple hair looked up from her book. She wore black glasses that stood out from the rest of her features.

"They went to their Fathers' concert. You know how much they love music," She answered him.

"Weren't you and the others suppose to go to that?"

"Yes, but we decided not to."

I looked over at Lexi. She was writing something down in a notebook.

"Why didn't you go to the concert?" I asked her.

I was rather curious about this.

She stopped.


"Because the Sakamakis are all jerks!"

I jumped slightly, as Bunny climbed on to the table.

"B-Bunny!" Lexi stammered.

"Reiji is a know-of-all jerk! Subaru needs anger management! Shuu never does anything! Laito is a major pervert! Ayato is an even bigger jerk than Reiji! And Kanato is a pure psychopath!"

I'm rather shocked, that I'm not surprise about what Bunny just said. To be honest, all of those traits descripe Koro-Sensei.


All of a sudden I felt a chill go down my spine. I looked around the room to see if everyone else felt it. However, I noticed something else. 4 Vampires were trained on Bunny. Karma, Alex, Lisa, and Lexi seemed to be glaring at her, a gloomy aura surrounding them. Not only that, but all of their eyes were glowing red. However, it didn't seem to faze her.

"What? I was just stating what was true," Bunny said simply, climbing back down from the table.

"How come anyone else see this? Or even sense it!?" I thought to myself. "There has to be someone!"

I looked around the classroom again. Aido moved nervously in his chair, and I saw Carmen sigh. I guess we're the only ones that see this. But why? Why can I see it? Is it because of Karma? I looked over my shoulder to the top right of the room. Karma's eyes stopped glowing. Instead they were closed, and his feet were up on the table. So when I was in his room earlier.....I wasn't imagining it. His eyes were really glowing. I looked down at the notebook in front of me.

"What is it about their Fathers that make them so mad?"

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