Day 3: The Blonde Girl and the Love Bird Vampires

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I sighed as I walked around the town. It was rather busy today. I wonder why. As I continued walking, I decided to go to the bookstore. It's been awhile since I read an actual book. Don't get me wrong, I love Kuro-Sensi's books, but they're all about assassination stuff. When I got to the store, a woman with long blonde hair stood in front, reading from a small book.

"That's odd," I thought to myself. "Why does she have blonde hair? Maybe she dyed it like Rio."

Normally I wouldn't be so surprised. I see people with blonde hair all the time, however, most of them dyed it, and the rest are well.....Vampires. So why I should be surprised? Her hair clip. It was a pink hair clip. I remember Karma telling me about this.....


"What does your Mother look like?" I asked Karma, as I walked down the hall with him.

"My Mother?"

He looked at me, rather relived.

"I'm sure Lexi told you about her past?"

I nodded in response.

"Let's see.....My Mother is rather pale, due to all the blood she lost. It's amazing how she's still alive. Anyway, her hair is a pale blonde, and she usual wears a pink clip, to keep her bangs from getting in her face."


"Is this lady.....Really Yui?"

Suddenly the door opened and Lisa walked through, a bright big smile plastered on her face.

"I'm back! I'm sorry I took so long!"

She walked over to the lady. The lady quickly put her book back on the small rack in front of her.

"It's alright, Lisa!"

The door opened again and Aido walked through.

"Stop running away from me, Lisa!" He yelled at her, running towards them.

She gave him an annoyed look, and turned back to the lady.

"You have no idea how much this means to me, Aunt Yui."

My eyes widened.

"This is Yui!"

I looked around. There was a small alleyway right next to the book store. I quickly walked into it and started spying on the three. Lisa bowed. Yui shook her hands in front of herself, her eyes wide slightly.

"Don't thank me! I was just passing along."

She set her arms down and smiled. Lisa stood back up.

"Besides it's not like you to apologize to people."

Lisa blushed and looked away.

"I do it occasionally," I heard her mutter.

"We should start heading back," I heard Aido say. "It's getting late."

"Ah! The umbrellas!" Yui suddenly yelled.

The two vampires looked at her, confused.

"I forgot to get the umbrellas for you two!"

"It's not a big deal, Ms.Yui," Aido answered her, quietly.

"But you two will get sunburnt!"

"Don't worry about it, Aunt Yui," Lisa tried to assure her. "I get sunburnt all the time."

"If you say so....."

Yui smiled.

"I must have forgotten them in my excitement! It's not everyday my niece gets to go out on a date!"

The two vampires' faces turned a bright red.


"This isn't a date! Is it!?" Aido yelled, turning to Lisa.

"I don't know!" Lisa yelled back.

Yui giggled and started walking towards the school.

"Come on love birds! We better get going!"

"We're not love birds!" They both yelled.

The two quickly followed her. I stepped out from the allyway.

"So that's Yui.....," I whispered to myself.


Dedicated to IzabellaDeath2001

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