Night Class 1-Part 2: The Soul Vampire Lexi

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"All right class! Take your seats!" Koro-Sensei yelled.

Kuro-Sensei is the Alien we have to kill. Like I said before he was yellow, and had many tentacles. We all quieted down.

"Now before I begin-


Aido suddenly stumbled into the classroom. However, as he came in, he tripped over the carpet and fell down on to the floor. A girl with long purple hair walked in. Her face was covered up by the book she was carrying. She looked up from her book and looked at all of us. She gazed down at Aido and sighed.

"You're an idiot, Hanabusa," Was all she said, as she walked around him,  and sat down next to the girl Karma talked to earlier.

"You're as cruel as ever, Lisa," I heard a voice say in the very back.

And you guessed it. It was Karma.

"I see you're as annoying as ever, Karma."

He laughed. Aido stood up and quickly took a seat down in the front row.

"Now that's settled.....Let's begin!" Kuro-Sensei said. "Welcome to Cross Academy! It may take awhile to adjust our new schedule, but I'm sure all of you will handle it! Let me introduce to you this schools Guardians!"

Two people walked in. One was a boy with white hair and red eyes. The other was a girl with long black hair and blue eyes. The boy wore the Night Class uniform, however, the girl wore the Day Class uniform. Was the boy a Vampire? And why is the girl wearing a Day Class uniform?

"My name is Carmen," The girl said.

She gestured to the boy standing next to her.

"And this is Alex. Like Kuro-Sensei said we are Gurdians. Which means we protect the school, and we make sure students are behaving."

She glared at Aido, who shrunk back into his seat.

"Now there's something important we must tell you."

Her face turned serious.

"The Night Class students are all Vampires."

There was a long silence.

"NANI?!?!?!!!!" The whole class screamed.

Voices of concern filled the room. Somehow though, I heard laughter coming from the back. It had to be Karma.

"You're not scared?"


I looked next to me. A girl with long purple hair, and purple eyes was sitting next to me. She seemed very young, for she was holding a pink stuffed bunny.

"Why should I?" I asked her.

"Usually when people are told about Vampires in the room, they all freak out. But you don't seemed scared at all," She answered.

I looked forward at the two Guardians.

"I'm not scared of them. I'm scared of how they will treat me."

"So he really does care," I heard a voice say.

It was not the girl's voice. I looked at her. She was staring down at her stuffed animal.

"Did you say something?" I asked her.

She shook her head frantically. I blinked. It must have been my imagination.

"Do you like Vampires?"

I blinked.

"I could have sworn-

"Do you or not?!"

I was right!

"It can talk?!" I yelled.

"Of course I can talk!" The stuffed animal yelled.

"That's impossible though!"

"It's not if your best friend can manipulate souls."

The bunny wiggled out of the girls arms and climbed up onto the desk. I looked at the girl.

"You can control souls?"

She nodded. As she did, some of her hair covered some of her face. I couldn't see her eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"L-Lexi," She muttered.

I smiled.

"That's a nice name. How old are you?"


"You're eight and they still let you come here?!" I yelled.

She nodded.

"I only came because-

"Of her cousins! They're all family, and Lexi wanted to be with them!" The bunny yelled.

Lexi nodded again.

"This is Bunny.....My Mother created her before I was born."

I looked at the stuff animal.

"It's nice to meet you two. My name is Nagisa."

"Nagisa? That's an odd-

Before Bunny could finish, Lexi quickly grabbed her, and covered her mouth. I laughed slightly.

"Are you a Vampire?" I asked.

She nodded once more.

"Do all Vampires have powers?"

"Yes. But we all have different ones depending on our mental and physical abilities...."

"I see," I answered.

For a young vampire, I can tell Lexi was talented in her powers. And was pretty confident. I'm sure her and I can get along quite well.

~Note 2: Every Vampire has different powers based on their Physical and Mental abilities~

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