Night Class 1-Part 1: Two More Vampires

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"I don't understand these uniforms," I said to Karma, as we walked down the dark hallway.

We both wore white uniforms. It seemed rather odd to me.

"Well think about it."

Karma placed his hands behind his head.

"Humans walk in the day, and sleep at night. Since they sleep in blackness, Mr. Cross decided to make their uniforms black, since they usually don't walk in blackness."

"Oh! Then since Vampires sleep during the day, they don't walk out in broad daylight! That's why their uniforms are white!" I answered.

"See! You're getting it!"

Another question struck me.

"Shouldn't we be in the Day Class though? Since we're Humans?"

Karma avoided my gaze.

"We're assassins.....We work at night. We may walk in the light, but we belong in the shadows. You know that better than anyone else, Nagisa."

I looked down.

"He's right....I do know that better than anyone else."

We reached the classroom and walked in. It was a large classroom! There were rows of seats, a large chalkboard, and two large windows across the room. As I was gazing around the room, I never noticed the person who was sleeping in the front row.

"Look who decided to show."

I looked towards the person, Karma was talking to. The person was a boy with blonde hair. His eyes were closed, and he had his legs kicked up on his desk. Part of his uniform was unbuttoned, revealing part of his chest. He was also wearing ear buds. He gave out a loud deep sigh.

"You always ruin the best part, Karma...."

"Do I, Cho? Do. I?" Karma seemed to taunt the boy.

He opened his eyes revealing, crystal blue eyes. He put his feet down and pulled out his ear buds.

"Yes you do."

He looked over at me. I suddenly froze as I felt this aura around me.

"I-Is this blood lust? This boy.....Is he another Vampire?! If he is, is he related to-"

"Nagisa, this is Cho Sakamaki. My younger cousin."

I blinked, then shook my head, clearing away my thoughts. I smiled.

"My name is Nagisa Shiota. It's nice to meet you," I said to the boy.

He looked away from me, and stared outside the windows. I blinked in confusion.

"Don't worry about him. Believe it or not, he's shy around new people," Karma assured me.

"Well look who showed up!"

I jumped as a girl with wavy orange hair, and piercing green eyes suddenly appeared in the second row. She wore a black fedora that had a red ribbon, wrapped around it. It did not match her white uniform, but she didn't seem to care.

"Marie, don't scare, Nagisa!" Karma scolded the girl.

The girl shrugged.

"It's not my fault if he didn't know that we could teleport," The girl answered him.

She kicked her feet up into the desk in front of her.

"You could teleport?" I asked Karma, as I turned to look at him.

"I don't use it very often."

"Why not?" I asked again.

I hated asking all these questions to Karma, but he's the only Vampire that I know.

"I'm trying to be.....How do I say this.....More "Human"," He answered.

"And how's that working out?" The girl asked.

"It's going well actually."

"That's good. Cho and I are-

She was cut off by footsteps coming down the hallway. Our other classmates walked in.

"Looks like everyone's here."

Karma climbed up the steps and sat at the very top row. I climbed up the steps as well, and sat down in the middle room. So far everything was going well. I met two more Vampires, that don't seem very interested in staying here. However, I'm sure they're excited as everyone else. I have a feeling I'm going to like this class.

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