Evening 2: The Sakamaki Family

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"A concert?" Lexi asked, holding her stuff rabbit.

"Yes. It had the names 'Shuu and Laito Sakamaki," I answered her.

I overslept and was almost late to class. If Lexi haven't woken me up, I would have missed class. She looked down.

"I can see why he's upset....," She muttered quietly.

"Upset?" I asked.

She nodded and looked up at me.

"His Father is going to be at that concert."

"His Father?"

I stopped. Lexi stopped and turned to face me.

"Yes. Before I tell you who he is, I should tell you about my family and their rivals."

I nodded.


"The rivalries didn't start till a girl named Yui Komori came to the Sakamaki mansion. She was a simple girl. Her Mother died when she was young, and her Father was a Priest. Her Father sent a letter to the Sakamakis saying she will be the new "Sacrifical Bride".

We began to walk again.

"Sacrifical Bride?" I asked. "What's that?"

"It's a girl that is given to a Vampire family to be a bride. Whoever "Awakens" her will be the head of the family."

"Awaken? You mean?"

"Yes," She answered. "Awakening means turning the girl into a Vampire."

"Then this girl?"

"She was Awakened but no one knows who it was. I believe it was Uncle Ayato."

"Ayato?" I asked again.

We turned a corner.

"That's right you don't know the brothers."

She hugged Bunny closer to her.

"The Sakamaki family consists of 6 half-brothers. The oldest is Shuu Sakamaki. He's always listening to his music and never doing anything. However, he is a great violinist."

We turned another corner.

"The second oldest is Shuu's blood brother, Reiji Sakamaki. Reiji is more suitable to leading the family. However, he is extremely strict, and hardly ever talks to anyone. He's always experimenting in his room, and we don't know what he's experimenting on."

"The third oldest is Ayato."

"He's the one you think Awakened, Yui?" I asked.

"Yes. He is a complete idiot who only thinks of himself. He is also very violent, and will do anything to get his way."

"The fourth oldest is my Father, Kanato Sakamaki. He seems to be kind and gentle, but he is a psychopath and has anger issues. He says his only friend is Teddy."

"Teddy? You mean like a stuff bear?"

"Yes," She answered again.

"The fifth oldest is Laito Sakamaki. He is an extreme pervert because of what his Mother, Cordelia has done to him. However, once you get to know him is a kind, gentle hearted, Vampire that wouldn't hurt a soul, unless he had to."

"The youngest is Subaru Sakamaki. He is a quiet Vampire, however, he gets angered very easily. Therefore he will punch anything in sight, when he's angry."

"Wow. Your family-

"Are all insane. They only put up with each other, because their children make them."

"You never told me who's Father is whose."

I looked down at the purple haired Vampire.

"Alright. The oldest are the twins, Mark and Karma. Their Father is Ayato and their Mother is Yui."

"Yui!? The Sacrificial Bride!?"

"The third oldest is Cho. His Father is Shuu. The fourth oldest is Lisa. Her Father is Reiji."

"Wait, is Lisa the other purple haired Vampire?"

"Yes. The fifth oldest is Alex. His Father is Subaru."

"Subaru? But Alex is such a gentle Vampire."

"He tries not to be angry," She answered.

"The sixth oldest is Marie. Her Father is Laito. And I'm the youngest. Like I already told you, my Father is Kanato."

We soon reached the classroom.

"Thanks for telling me all this," I told her.

She nodded.

"It's not such a big deal. After class, I will tell you about the family rivalries."

She walked in, leaving me behind in the hallway.

"I wonder why Karma would be upset about his Father going to a concert?"

I snapped away from my thoughts, and entered the classroom.

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