Day 4: Accidental Meeting

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I yawned as I walked down the streets of town. I stayed up late night with Kayano, Sugino, Okuda, and Kanzaki. I really needed something to wake me up for tonight. I began thinking about our group planes.

"We need one more person.....Ah! Karma!"

I dove into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

Nagisa: Hey guys, we should have Karma in our group


Kayano: That's a great idea!

Sugino: I'm not sure.....

Sugino: I mean he's really violent

Sugino: He might cause us trouble

Okuda: Karma maybe violent

Okuda: But he has a kind heart!

Kanzaki: I like the idea of Karma going with us

Kanzaki: He can get us out of tight situations

Sugino: Alright

Sugino: Go ahead and text him Nagisa

Nagisa: Roger!

I looked up from my phone to see a young boy. His red balloon was stuck in a tree. He stood in front of the tree, staring at his balloon. I walked over to him.

"Here, let me get that for you."

I jumped up and grabbed up the balloon. My assassination classes are starting to pay off. I turned towards the boy and held out the balloon for him.

"Here you go."

He didn't say anything. Instead he turned around and started running away. 

"Hey! Wait!" I yelled after him. 

I started running after him. The further we went, the farther we were from the people. I have a bad feeling about this. Suddenly the boy stopped and I stopped behind him. 

"You forgot your balloon. It's...Yours isn't it?"

The boy slowly turned around to face me. I felt a presence behind me.

"Who is that?"  

I turned to look, however, the boy grabbed my sleeve rather tightly. I looked back at him. He slowly looked up at me, his red eyes staring at me.

"Red eyes...Wait a minute!"

Before I could do anything clock towing, the boy's eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth wide. Large pointy fangs suddenly appeared and he leaned towards my hand. I couldn't do anything, he was too fast. He bit down into my hand hard. I didn't yell. If I did, I would probably attract more vampires. Instead, I yanked my hand away which caused it to hurt even more.  It was bleeding gravely which seemed to please the young Vampire. Suddenly I heard laughter behind me. I peeked over my shoulder, to see a woman with a hood over her face. A scarf covered her mouth, so all I could see were her red eyes. 

"Another Vampire!"

Without another thought, I began running away from the two.

"I need to separate myself from them."

I continued running, covering my hand over the bleeding one, trying to stop the bleeding. It wasn't working and blood splotches were trailing behind me. Soon I came upon what seemed to be an abandoned clock tower. I pushed open the door using my shoulder and started running up the steps. When I was at the top, a small door was closed above me. Using my shoulder again, I opened the door. Behind the door was a large room. I quickly climbed in and kicked the door down with my foot. I sat down and leaned my back on the wall, panting.  

"That Vampire...Didn't really look like a Vampire...The ones I know didn't look like that. Karma was right...The Vampires I knew were beautiful and are trying to fit in with us Humans...But that thing-"

I was cut off from my thoughts from laughter. I quickly stood up and faced the window. The small boy was in it, an evil grin on his face. Before I could do anything, he jumped towards me. I quickly dodged to the right, his sharp nails cutting my rubber band. My blue hair hanged loosely behind me, however, the Vampire didn't hesitate. He lunged at me, cutting off my escaped from the right. I was forced to go left. Again, his nails cut my other rubber band. Now all of my hair was down, which made it hard to concentrate. The young boy laughed again and slowly crawled towards me.

"What can I do? There's nothing here I can use."

The boy got ready to pounce, so I quickly covered myself with my arms, and clutched my eyes shut. 


Nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes to see the young boy in terror. He was staring at the window. I slowly turned my gaze to see a tall man. He wore a white night class uniform. His brown hair fell behind his shoulders just like mine, however, it was shorter. He had red eyes that seemed to be glaring at the boy. 

"You poor creature....Losing your humanity like this."

"That man.....He was in the window....."

He started walking towards me. Cautiously, I took a step back. He was expecting that and appeared behind me. Without my content, he covered my eyes and held me close to him. 

"This person is very dear to another Pure Blood. You should have never have hurt him," I heard him say.

Suddenly there was a large gust of wind. I felt my hair flying around me, however after a few seconds it stopped. The man uncovered my eyes. The boy was gone.

"Where...Did he go?"

I felt him let me go.

"I am sorry you had to go through that."

I turned around to face him, however, he was already walking away.

"Wait!" I yelled.

He peered over his shoulder at me.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Kaname Kuran."


Hello everyone! Sorry I made Nagisa such a wimp in this >.< However, it's the beginning of the series so he hasn't developed his skills yet. Also this is NOT  a Karma x Nagisa book. I am SO sorry to disappoint you guys. However, to make up for it there will be a surprise towards the end that I'm sure you will love. See you till the next update!


Dedicated to IzabellaDeath2001

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