Night Class 4-Part 2: School Trip Preparation

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It was after class, and everyone decided to have an assassination meeting. I stayed in my seat as I watched everyone gather around.

"We need a plan. We can't just go in head-strong," Nakamura told us, leaning on her desk.

"T-There's the field trip coming up! I-I heard Karasuma is hiring a Sniper!" Okuda yelled, pushing her glasses.

"That's perfect!" Isogai yelled. "Let's get into groups of six and plan out the best assassination places!"

"Leave it to the class president to take charge."

I looked beside me to see Toko.

"Hey Toko."

He looked down at me.

"What kind of field trip is Mr.Cross planning? I mean Kunugigaoka school is going to be there."

I laughed softly. I guess he really hate field trips.

"Mr.Cross wanted us to stay close to them, due to Principal Asano knowing about Kuro-Sensei."

"Now that makes sense."

He looked back at me.

"I'll be going with you."

"W-What!?" I yelled.

He chuckled and sat down at the desk.

"I'm not going to assassinate Kuro-Sensei. We decided to leave it to the original Class 3-E," He answered, as if it was the most obvious answer.

"Then you're going there because-"

"I'm going sightseeing. With Mark and Josh of course."


I fully turned towards him.

  "Mark is going to be there?"

"Yes. Everyone in this class is going," He answered again, quite annoyed. "And Kuran's class," I heard her mutter.

"Kuran? Kaname Kuran?"

Toko stood up.

"I better go pack."

Before I could say anything, he walked out of the classroom. I turned my gaze to my classmates, who were all planning for the trip.

"Kaname Kuran's class is coming?" I thought to myself.

I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter. My objective now is killing Kuro-Sensei."


Dedicated to IzabellaDeath2001

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