Day 1: The Two Vampire Models!

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I sighed as I walked down the street. It was in the middle of the afternoon, and I couldn't sleep. This whole Night Class thing really ruined my sleep schedule, but it was worth it. No one's making fun of me for being in Class-E, and we have a decent classroom. Not only that but we get use the whole campus!

"Senri, you should get underneath the umbrella before you get a sun burned."

"I'll be fine, Rima."

"You always say that."

I stopped as I saw two people walking towards me. One was a girl with two orange pigtails and dark blue eyes. The other was a boy with red messy hair, and really light blue eyes. The girl was carrying an umbrella over her. It looked like she was using to shade herself from the sun. They were both eating Pocky as well. But the thing that surprised me the most, was their white uniforms. However, instead of just having their black shirt underneath, they had a red a tie and bow on them. Something Class-E didn't have. They both stopped, when they got to me.

"You must be Nagisa Shiota," The boy said to me bluntly.

"Y-Yes," I stammered. "And you two must be Aristocrats."

"What do you know.....The Human does have a brain," The girl said, sticking a Pocky stick in her mouth.

She twirled her umbrella like it was a toy.

"And what is that suppose to mean!?"

"Excuse my friend, Rima," The boy said quickly.

The girl, Rima, seemed to glare at the boy.

"No worries!" I said rather quickly. "By the way what are you two doing here? I thought Vampires burn in the day light."

"We do," Rima answered me. "But Senri and I have a job as models."


That's when I remembered what Karma first told me about Vampires.


"Vampires are beautiful creatures. Normal people would instantly fall in love with them."

Karma kicked his feet up onto his desk. He leaned back so his chair was slightly up in the air.

"What do you mean by normal people?" I asked the red head.

"People who don't know about Vampires think we're beautiful. However, some Vampires use that as a trap. They lure people in with their "charm" and suck their blood."



I looked up from my notes to look at Karma. He was sitting normally in his chair, a very serious look on his face.

"Don't fall for any Vampires tricks. If you do you're dead."

"How do I know if a Vampire is trying to trick me?" I asked.

"You'll know when the time comes."

~Normal Time~

"Yes models," Rima answered impatiently.

"What are you doing here?" The boy asked me.

"Oh! I couldn't sleep so I decided to head to the grocery store, and buy some food for tonight."

"Have fun shopping," Rima answered, before Senri could stop her.

He nodded and they both began walking. I watched them walk away, then headed back towards the store. I gathered up all the items I needed, and waited in line to pay. As I did, I began thinking of Karma's cousins that he told me about.

"He said he had 5 cousins....And a younger brother. So far I met Cho, Marie, and Lexi," I thought. "Alex is a Night Class Guardian so I can't really talk to him. Then there was that girl with the glasses that came in with Aido. Karma told me her name is Lisa. She was his cousin also. If I already met his cousins.....Who is his brother?"

~Note 3: Vampires are beautiful. Some use to that to their advantages, while others make use of it~

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