Night Class 2: New Teachers?

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Everyone filed into the classroom. I sat in the seat, I sat in the night before. Lexi sat next me holding her stuff rabbit, Bunny. I pulled out my notebook and a pencil.

"Good night class!" Korosensi said as he took his position behind the desk.

He pulled out a blue notebook and opened it up. He began taking roll.


"Here!" I yelled, as I raised my hand.

He continued down the list. As everyone answered him.


I blinked. Who was that? Korosensi looked up from his book, and looked around the crowded classroom.


I looked at Lexi, as she shyly raised her hand. He looked at her.

"What is it, Lexi?"

"Toko, told me to tell you she's going to be late.....She and Josh have a meeting with Mr.Cross," She answered.

"Is that so?"

She nodded.

"Then I guess we can begin the lesson."


After class, I walked down the hall way leading back to the dorms.

"Hey Nagisa!"

I looked behind me to see a girl with green hair that were tied up into two high pony tails. Her brown eyes gazed at me as she ran to catch up to me.

"Hey Kaede!" I greeted.

She smiled and stopped besides me.

"How are you liking the new school?" I asked her, as we begin walking again.

"I love it! The school is huge, we're not getting teased at, and we get to learn with Vampires!"

I laughed as I knew those weren't the reasons she loved this school.

"You just like the pudding don't you?" I asked.

"Yup!" She yelled, as she moved her arm upwards.

This time we both laughed.

"Do we have to teach the class?"

We both stopped as three people walked in front of us. One was a boy with black hair and blue eyes. Another was a girl with red hair and blue eyes. The last one was a boy that looked almost like Karma! They would have looked exactly alike, except this boy had red stunning eyes instead of gold.

"Yes we do, Josh," The red headed boy answered the black hair boy.

"Come on Mark! Why do we have to do this!?" Josh complained.

"Because my brother is here, and I want to spend time with him."

"Josh, stop complaining and do what Mark says," The girl scolded him.


All three of them walked into a classroom.

"Who were they?" Kaede asked.

"I don't know," I answered her. "It looked like they were teachers."

"But they're teenagers."

"I should go ask Karma about this," I said as I began walking away from her.

"See you later, Kaede!"

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